f 7. Slovesa s předložkovou frází
130) That man reminds me_my history teacher.
131) Tim's in the cellar. He's hiding_his father.
132) I'll lend you this book, but please take care_it. It was a gift from a good friend.
133) Why do you smoke so much? Don't you care_your health?
134) I think she'll be a nurse. She's good at sciences and loves caring_people.
135) He prevented her_leaving the room.
To, in a into. Doplňte.
136) to translate_English
137) to wave_a friend
138) to grow_a healthy, happy adult
139) to divide_two halves
140) to return_work
141) to invest money      _ a high-interest account
142) to dress_black
143) to turn_a friend for help
144) a frog that turned_a handsome prince
145) a girl that blossomed        a beautiful young lady
Of, from a for. Doplňte.
156) to send_a doctor
157) to smell_garlic
158) to graduate_university
159) to consist_several parts
160) to translate_French
161) to search_hidden treasure
162) to inherit money_a relative
163) to hope_a better future
164) to ban a book_publication
165) to separate a child_its mother
166) to warn someone_a danger
146) a company that deals_electrical gc
147) a man that talked me_believing him
148) to convert someone_Christianity
149) to convert a text_WordPerfect
150) to report a crime_the police
151) to book_a hotel for a night
152) to join_a game
153) to push someone     _ making a qi decision
154) to interfere_the situation
155) to promote someone_director
167) to advertise_a new secretary
168) to hunt_wild mushrooms
169) to cure someone__a disease
170) to campaign_better working conditior
171) to inform someone _ a change
172) to discourage a child_eating too ma
173) to disapprove_smoking in restauranr
174) to hunger_knowledge
175) to boast_one's successes
over through
Frázová slovesa s come, go a get. Vyberte odpovídající částice, (come)      across      after     along     in     off     on out
176) Next time, please knock before you come_!
177) Come_[dvě možnosti]! I can't wait any longer. I'm in a hurry.
178) When you press this button, the red light should come_.
179) I was tidying the attic when I came_these old diaries.
180) This pen's too dark. It comes_on ťhe other side of the paper.
181) It rained all morning, but at lunchtime the sun came_from behind the clouds.
182) What letter comes_'V in the English alphabet?
183) This shirt needs mending. One of the buttons has come_.
184) Could you come_to our place for lunch on Sunday?
185) We only had four glasses of wine, but the bill came_280 crowns!
(go)      after     by     in     off     on     out round
186) I don't feel like staying at home tonight. Let's go_. *.
187) The teacher asked them to be quiet, but they went_talking
through      with withou:
280 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky
17. Slovesa s předložkovou frází
188) Well, we can't wait out here in the rain. Let's go_.
189) I went_all the drawers and cupboards but I couldn't find the key anywhere.
190) My alarm clock didn't go_and I was late for school.
191) Do you think these blue curtains will go_the bedroom carpet?
192) As the weeks went_[dvě možnosti] Alice became more and more worried.
193) I suggest we go_breakfast and have an early lunch instead.
194) Love makes the world go_.
195) Three policemen went_him, but they didn't catch him.
(get)      across      behind      in      into      off     on      out      over     through to
196) When I got_the post office it was closed.
197) Last Christmas I ate so much that in January I couldn't get_my new jeans!
198) He wasn't a bad swimmer, but the river was wide and he didn't get_to the other side.
199) You need more contact with the world. You should get_more often.
200) Martin and Roman used to be good friends, but they don't get_so well now.
201) We both drink a lot of coffee. We get_two big jars a month.
202) Last year I tried the entrance exams to the university, but I didn't get_.
203) She's still very depressed about failing all those exams, but she'll get__it.
204) John is ill so often that he's really getting_at school.
205) Take the number 22 tram from here and get_at the National Theatre.
Frázová slovesa s take, look, run, put, turn, fall a bring. Vyberte odpovídající částice.
(take) after for in off on out over to
Can't you take_those dirty shoes? I've just cleaned the floor.
Miloš is often taken_a native speaker of English. He doesn't even have an accent.
He takes_his father in both looks and character.
Did you know the company is going to be taken_[převzata] by an American firm next
I've lost a lot of weight. I'll have to take_this skirt a little.
A lot of shops take_extra staff for the busy period before Christmas.
She's so tired of him that she's taken_ignoring him.
I'm going to the bank. How much money do you think I should take_of my account?
(look) after around for into out through to
214) What are you looking_? Have you lost your wallet again?
215) Would you look_my cat while I'm on holiday?
216) My bedroom window looks_onto a lovely, green park.
217) She looked_to see if she recognized anyone in the room.
218) Would you look_my translation and tell me if there are any mistakes?
219) The police are looking_[vyšetřují] the case of the missing man.
220) Don't look_him for advice. He dotsn't know anything about computers.
(run) after around behind into off out over
221) We'd better hurry. Time's running_.
222) I'm always running_for you. Why can't you do things yourself?
223) While I was swimming in the lake, someone ran_with all my clothes!
224) He lost control and the car ran_a low brick wall.
225) She almost ran_a cat on the journey to work yesterday.
226) He ran_her, but she was too fast for him. i.
227) We should move on to the next problem. We're already running_schedule.
282 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky
f 7. Slovesa s předložkovou frází
(put) across in off on out through
228) No one's free this Friday. We'll have to put_the trip till next weekend.
229) If Mrs Jenkins phones, could you put her_[přepojit] to me, please?
230) They're coming to put_the new computer system tomorrow morning.
231) She's changed, hasn't she? She's put_so much weight.
232) I think his latest film puts_this idea very well.
233) It took several hours for the fire brigade to put_the fire.
(turn) into off out over round to
234) Don't turn__      now, but I think someone's following us.
235) Turn_and go to sleep!
236) Are you sure you've lost it? Have you turned_all your pockets?
237) It's rather hot in here. Shall we turn the heating_?
238) She was confused and didn't know who to turn_for help.
239) The princess kissed the frog and he turned_a handsome prince.
(fall) behind in off out over through
240) Little Daniel fell_and hurt his knee.
241) He started the race well, but he soon fell_;.
242) Our holiday fell_last year because the travel agency collapsed.
243) When I picked up the vase one of its handles fell_!
244) The building was weak structurally, and eventually the roof fell_[se propadla].
245) She can't keep friends. She's always falling_with people.
(bring) along in on out round
246) Our publishing house is bringing_a new English dictionary next month.
247) Tourism is important in this country. It brings_a lot of money.
248) Yes, thanks. I'd love to come. Can I bring a friend_[s sebou] too?
249) She fainted in the heat, but after a few minutes we brought her_again.
250) A lot of his health problems have been brought_by overwork.
284 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky