přítomný čas minulý čas "I am very happy." He said he was very happy. "I like (don't like) pizza." He said that he liked (didn't like) pizza. "I have to go (don't have to go)." He said he had to go (didn't have to go). "They are (aren't) listening." He said that they were (weren't) listening. předpřítomný čas předminulý čas "I've seen it twice." He said that he had seen it twice. "She hasn't told me." He said that she hadn't told him. "I've never been there." He said that he'd never been there. "I have (haven't) been listening." He said that he had (hadn't) been listening. minulý čas předminulý čas "I was very happy." He said he had been very happy. "I liked (didn't like) pizza." He said that he had liked (hadn't liked) pizza. "I had to go (didn't have to go)." He said he had had to go (hadn't had to go). "They were (weren't) listening." He said that they had (hadn't) been listening. předminulý čas nemění se! "I had seen it twice." He said that he had seen it twice. WILL WOULD "I will help you." He said that he would help me. "I won't do it." He said he wouldn't do it. AM / IS / ARE GOING TO WAS / WERE GOING TO "I'm going to watch TV." He said that he was going to watch TV. "We aren't going to study tonight." He said that they weren't going to study that night. CAN COULD "I can ski quite well." He said that he could ski quite well. "You can't do it." He said that I couldn't do it. MUST MUST / HAD TO "You must help me!" (musíš) He said that I must / had to help him. "You mustn't go there." (nesmíš) He said that I mustn't go there. COULD, WOULD, SHOULD nemění se! "It would be nice if she could come." He said that it would be nice if she could come. "She should come with us." He said that she should come with us. MIGHT nemění se! "I might come and help you." He said that he might come and help me. now then, at that moment "I don't know it now." He said he didn't know it then. "I want to do it now." He said that he wanted to do it at that moment. here there "There's nobody here." He said that there was nobody there. today, this month, this year that day, that month, that year "I've seen her today." He said that he had seen her that day. "I like the weather this year." He said that he liked the weather that year. yesterday, last year the day before, the previous year "I saw you yesterday." He said that he had seen me the day before. "Last year was very bad." He said that the previous year had been very bad. tomorrow, next month the following day / month "I'll do it tomorrow." He said that he would do it the following day. "She is coming next month." He said that she was coming the following month. ago before "I finished it two days ago." He said that he had finished it two days before. www.helpforenglish.cz Č A S O V Á S O U S L E D N O S T