Kdybych nebyl tak unavený, šel bych s tebou. :rl If I wasn't so tired, I'd go with you. :r2 If I weren't so tired, I'd go with you. :r3 If I wouldn't be so tired I'd go with you. :r4 If I weren't so tired I went with you. Nevěřil bys tomu, kdybych ti to řekl. :rl You didn't believe it if I would tell you. :r2 You couldn't believe it if I told you. :r3 You wouldn't believe it if I told you. :r4 You don't believe it if I told you. Měl bys větší slovní zásobu, kdybys vice četl. :rl You would have a bigger vocabulary if you would read more. :r2 You'll have a bigger vocabulary if you'll read more. :r3 You would have a bigger vocabulary, if you read more. :r4 You would have a bigger vocabulary if you read more. Být tebou, řekla bych jim pravdu. :rl If I was you I'd tell them the truth. :r2 If I were you I'd tell them the truth. :r3 If I'd be you I'll tell them the truth. :r4 If I'd be you I'd tell them the truth. Kdyby tak směla jít s námi. :rl If only she could come with us. :r2 If only she was able to come with us. :r3 If she only could to go with us. :r4 If only she were allowed to come with us. Byl bych radši, kdybys šel se mnou. :rl I'd rather you go with me. :r2 If only you'll go with me. :r3 I'd rather you went with me. :r4 If only you went with me. Kéž bych byl zůstal doma. :rl I wish I stayed at home. :r2 I wish I had stayed at home. :r3 I wish I stay at home. :r4 I wish I have stay at home. Nebýt tebe, nevím, co bych udělal. :rl If it weren't for you I don't know what I'd do. :r2 If you weren't I don't know what I'd do. :r3 If it wasn't you I don't know what I'd do. :r4 If it weren't you I don't know what I'll do. Byl by zdravější, kdyby nekouřil. :rl He'd be healthier if he doesn't smoke. :r2 He'll be healthier if he didn't smoke. :r3 He'd be healthier if he didn't smoke. :r4 He'll be healthier if he don't smoke. Bolí mě zuby. :rl I have toothache. :r2 I have a toothache. :r3 I have any toothache. :r4 I haven't any toothache. Můj syn má astma. :rl My son has an asthma. :r2 My son has a asthma. :r3 My son has asthma. :r4 My son has the asthma. Minulý týden mě silně bolela hlava. :rl I had severe headache last week. :r2 I had a headache last week. :r3 I had headache last week. :r4 I had a severe headache last week. Moje celá rodina měla chřipku. :rl My whole family had flu. :r2 My whole family had the flu. :r3 My whole family had a flu. :r4 My whole family have the flu. Dcera měla spalničky. :rl My daughter had the measles. :r2 My daughter had measles. :r3 My daughter had the chickenpox. :r4 My daughter had chickenpox. Sestru bolí v krku. :rl My sister has throatache. :r2 My sister has a sore throat. :r3 My sister had sore throat. :r4 My sister has a neckache. Mnoho bolestí hlavy je způsobeno nedostatkem spánku. :rl Headaches are caused by lack of sleep. :r2 Headache is caused by lack of sleep. :r3 Much headaches are caused by lack of sleep. :r4 Many headaches are caused by lack of sleep. Zeptala se, čeho se bojím. :rl She asked what I am afraid of. :r2 She asked what I was afraid of. :r3 She asked what I will be afraid of. :r4 She asked what I would be afraid of. Ale ty ses nezeptal, jestli je potřebuju. :rl But you didn't ask if I need them. :r2 But you asked not if I needed them. :r3 But you didn't ask if I needed them. :r4 But you don't ask if I need them. Řekla, že neočekává, že ho znouvu uvidí. :rl She said, she expected to see him again. :r2 She said, she wouldn't expect to see him again. :r3 She said, she doesn't expect to see him again. :r4 She said, she wasn't expecting to see him again. Řekl, že celý minulý týden bylo slunečno. :rl He said it was sunny all last week. :r2 He said it had been sunny all last week. :r3 He said it will be sunny all week. :r4 He said it is sunny all week. Zeptala se, jestli jsem obědval. :rl She asked if I had had any lunch. :r2 She asked if I had any lunch. :r3 She asked if I have any lunch. :r4 She asked if I would have any lunch. Řekla, že jednou mi to bude líto. :rl She said I will regret it one day. :r2 She said I would be sorry one day. :r3 She said I will sorry it one day. :r4 She said I was sorry one day Řekl, že nám dá brzy vědět. :rl He said he will let us know soon. :r2 He said he let us know soon. :r3 He said he wants let us know soon. :r4 He said he would let us know soon. Věděl jsi, že tě sledují? :rl Did you know they were following you? :r2 Did you know they follow you? :r3 Did you know they did follow you? :r4 Did you know they will follow you? Tato zvířata vypadají hladově. :rl These animals look hungryly. :r2 These animals look hungry. :r3 These animals look hungrily. :r4 Animals look hungrily. Dnes ráno přišla neobvykle pozdě. :rl This morning she was unusual late. :r2 This morning she was unusually lately. :r3 This morning she was unusually late. :r4This morning she came unusual late. Naštěstí jsem klíče našel. :rl Lucky I found my keys. :r2 Fortunately I can find my keys. :r3 Happily I found the keys. :r4 Luckily I have found the keys. Koláč voněl nádherně. :rl The cake smelled deliciously. :r2 The cake smelled delicious. :r3 The cake smelled wonderfully. :r4The cake smells delicious. Mé auto jelo nejpomaleji. :rl My car went most slowly. :r2 My car went the most slowly. :r3 My car went slowliest. :r4 My car went slowlier. Mohl bys prosím jet rychleji? :rl Could you please go more fastly? :r2 Could you please go faster? :r3 Could you please driver more fast? :r4 Would you please go faster? Přijdu nepozději v deset. :rl I come at ten at the latest. :r2 I will come at ten at the most latest. :r3 I will come at ten late. :r4 I will come at ten at the latest. Tady je méně vody. :rl There is less water here. :r2 Fewer water is here. :r3 There is fewer water here. :r4 Lesser water is here. Musíš se k tomu problému stavět kritičtěji. :rl You have to examine this problem more critically, :r2 You have to examine this problem more critical. :r3 You need to examine this problem more critical. :r4 You have to asses this problem criticalier. Mluví francouzsky plynuleji než ty. :rl She speaks French more fluent than you. :r2 She speak French more fluently as you. :r3 She speaks French more fluently than you. :r4 She speaks French fluentlier than you. Zní to dobře. :rl It sounds well. :r2 It sounds better. :r3 It sounds good. :r4 It sound good. Teď už pracuje pilněji. :rl He is working hardly now. :r2 He is working more hardly now. :r3 He's working hardlier now. :r4 He is working harder now. Nevypadá v černé dobře. :rl She doesn't look well in black. :r2 She shouldn't wear black. :r3 Black doesn't suit her. :r4 She doesn't look good in black. Byl hluboce uražen. :rl He was deep offended. :r2 He was deeplier offended. :r3 He was deeply offended. :r4 He was very deeply offended. Ty klíče ležely příliš hluboko ve vodě. :rl The keys were lying too deeply in the water. :r2 The keys were deeply in the water. :r3 The keys were lying too deep in the water. :r4 The keys were deep in the water. Rád chodím běhat. :rl I like to go jogging. :r2 I like going jogging. :r3 I like joging. :r4 I am glad going jogging. Rád bych šel ven. :rl I would like going out. :r2 I like going out. :r3 I would like to go out. :r4 I like walking. Kdy přestal kouřit? :rl When did he finish to smoke? :r2 When did he stop smoke? :r3 When did he ceased smoking? :r4 When did he stop smoking? Lyžování mě nezajímá. :rl Ski don't interest me. :r2 I am not interested in skiing. :r3 I have no interest for skis. :r4 I have no interest for skiing. Velice ráda poslouchá hudbu. :rl She is crazy about listening to music. :r2 She loves listen to music. :r3 She loves to listen to music. :r4 She is crazy in listening music. Nemůžu už poslouchat jejich argumenty. :rl I cannot any more to listen to their arguments. :r2 It is not possible for me listening their arguments. :r3 I can't stand to listen to their arguments. :r4 I can't stand listening to their arguments. Rádi tam pracují. :rl They like to work there. :r2 They enjoy working there. :r3 They are enjoyed to work there. :r4 They love works there. Musel prodat svou sbírku. :rl He had to sell his collection. :r2 He has must sell his collection. :r3 He must sell his collection. :r4 He needed to sell his collection. Přiznal, že tu práci neudělal. :rl He admits not having perform work. :r2 He concede that he didn't do the work. :r3 He told honestly not have done the work. :r4 He admitted not doing that work. Dnes je trochu tepleji než včera. :rl It is bit warmer today than yesterday. :r2 It's a little warmer today than yesterday. :r3 It is little warmer today than yesterday. :r4 It's few warmer today than yesterday. Slíbila, že za pár dní zavolá. :rl She promised to call me in few days. :r2 She promised to call me in some more days. :r3 She promised to call me in a few days. :r4 She promised to call me in little days. Pozvali mnoho lidí, ale přišlo jen málo z nich. :rl They invited much people, but only few of them came. :r2 They invited lots of people, but only a few of them came :r3 They invited lots of people, but only little of them came. :r4 They invited lots of people, but only few of them came. Potřebuji ještě pár minut, abych to dodělal. :rl I need few more minutes to finish it. :r2 I need a few more minutes to finish it. :r3 I need little more minutes to finish it. :r4 I need a little more minutes to finish it. Stalo se toho tolik za tak krátkou dobu. :rl So much happened in so little time. :r2 So many happened in so a little time. :r3 So much happened in so a little time. :r4 So much happened in so few time. Chceš ještě trochu rýže? :rl Would you like little more rice? :r2 Would you like a little more rice? :r3 Would you like a few more rice? :r4 Would you like few more rice? V ledničce je jen málo mléka. :rl There is only a little milk in the fridge. :r2 There is only few milk in the fridge. :r3 There is only a few milk in the fridge. :r4 There is only little milk in the fridge. Bylo tam jen několik aut. :rl There were only a few cars. :r2 There were only few cars. :r3 There were only fewer cars. :r4 There were only little cars. Koupil to o něco levněji. :rl He bought it a little cheaper. :r2 He bought it few cheaper. :r3 He bought it cheaper. :r4 He bought it much cheaper. Po prvních málo stránkách knihu zavřel. :rl He dosed this book after first a few pages. :r2 He closed this book after first little pages. :r3 He closed this book after first few pages. :r4 He closed this book after few pages. Jen málo jejích přátel bydlí zde. :rl Only a few of her friends live here. :r2 Only little of her friends live here. :r3 Only few of her friends live here. :r4 Only a little her friends live here.