8. Číslovky a kvantifikátory
Úroveň B
21. Datum. Napište slovy, kdy žili.
b) J. S. Bach , (1685-1750) .
a) A. Vivaldi *> (1678-1741)
e) A. Dvořák ' (1841-1904) ,
d) Ĺ van Beethoven (1770-1827)
c) W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)
22. Prepíšte data slovy. Den vždy vyjádřete řadovou číslovkou.
a) 17. 10. 1967 g) 7. 4. 1348
b) 6. 9. 2001 h) 17. 11.1989
c) 21. 8. 1968 i) 25. 2. 1948
d) 31. 3. 1945 j) 28. 5. 1883
e) 27. 12. 1941 k) 6. 7. 1415
f) 19. 1. 1969 1) 14. 6. 1798
23. Doplňte few, a few, little, nebo a little.
a) I've still got time, so let's have another glass of wine, shall we?
b) She says she's got to stay in for the next days.
c) I need more minutes to finish this.
d) It's warmer today than yesterday, isn't it?
e) people know his real name is Joe Smith.
f) We invited lots of people, but of them actually came.
g) Yes, I agree. ' but often' is a much more effective policy.
h) Could I ask you questions, please?
i) Do you think there might be at least truth in it? j) They asked me to say                          words of introduction.
k) He insists that very Czech people cannot ski.
1)   I had so time that I rushed out without having any breakfast.
m) of her friends live in Prague, and so she doesn't socialize much.
n) She promised to call me in days.
o) After reading the first pages I started to fall asleep.
p) He's a clever boy, but he needs more discipline.
q) By the end of the week I was feeling more than homesick.
r) Yes, I've been feeling much better these last weeks, thank you.
time, weeks from now.
cheaper, minutes, minutes, days to think about it.
people believe her now.
s) So much seemed to happen in so
t) He'll be starting a new job
u) I was hoping to find something
v) You'll see what happens in
w) He looked at his watch every
x) I think I'm going to need
y) She's lied so much in the past that very
z) Would you like more rice?
1 84     datum (21-22); (a) few, (a) little (23)