17. Podmiňovací způsob, konjunktiv a příbuzné jevy 10. Překládejte. a) kdybych byl mladší b) if it were nearer c) kdybych byla tebou d) kdyby byli chytří e) if we were rich f) kdyby to nebylo možné g) if I weren't so tired m) if she knew that h) if they weren't teachers n) kdyby mi to jedno nebylo i) kdybych nebyl jeho bratr o) if she had more time j) kdyby nebyla tak dobrá kuchařka p) kdyby ho chytili k) if you tried it q) if someone noticed it 1) kdybychom neměli auto r) kdyby neměli zájem 11. Doplňte správný tvar slovesa v závorkách tak, abyste utvořili věty v kondicionálu a) I'm sure you b) If you c) I_ d) If I_ (manage) if you. (try) harder. (phone) Mary she. (tell) you how to do it. (phone) her if I _(be) you I_ (have) her new number. (not change) it. e) If you_ (be) sorry later, fj If it_ (not accept) the invitation I think you. (not be) so late I g) I think it. h) If I_ charity. If you_ If I_ (be) best if you . i) j) more often. k) If you_ 1) If the word really_ in a dictionary. m)I_ dislike) the music so much, n) If you_ (win) the prize money I _(be) a man you_ (stay) longer. _(not tell) anyone. _(give) half of it to (not have) so much work I. (go and say) sorry. _(write) to you (hang) the washing outside it. (mean) something we. (dry) faster. _(find) i i (probably go) and see the film again if I. _(pay) for it by credit card you_ (not (not have to) go to the bank. 12. Doplňte vhodné sloveso ve správném tvaru. be not be cause choose cook have (2x) learn like offer a) Surely they wouldn't ask for it if it_necessary. b) I_another one if they didn't contain so much sugar. start not watch c) She'd be a lot happier if he. d) If you parked here you_ e) If they_ f) You_ g) If I_ h) You_ i) I'd be so unhappy if they. j) If I had more free time I _ k) If you_ 1) I'm sure you . her so closely. an accident. it to us with a discount we would take it. _ time to do your exercises in the mornings if you got up earlier. . his father I'd be very cross. _ feeling better if you gave up smoking. _me for the job. _to play the piano. it that long the vegetables would be too soft. _him if you knew him better. 13. Dokončujte otázky pomocí obsahu závorek. a) What would you do if (youlbelměý. b) Where would you live if {you/be/a millionaire)? c) How would you feel if {that/happen/you)7. d) Would you mind if (Roberticomeltoó)? e) But what would we do if {we/get losi)7. f) What do you think would happen if (I/pull/this/string)? 286 přítomné podmínkové věty s if a préteritem (10-13)