Quantifiers Quantifiers are words that show how much there is of something -quantity For example: I have a lot of milch. Are there many people? There isn't much water in the well. quantifier - kvantifikátor Ishow - ukazovat quantity - množství I well -studna MUCH - MANY - A LOT OF HODNĚ, MNOHO MUCH uncountable nouns negative statements questions For example: They don't have much water. How much coffee do drink every day? uncountab le - nepočitatelný count - počítat noun - podstatné jméno statement -vyjádření MANY MUCH - MANY - A LOT OF HODNĚ, MNOHO plural countable nouns negative statements questions For example: They don't have many friends. How many children do you have? countable count noun statement - počitatelný - počítat - podstatné jméno| -vyjádření Exercise How is it? How much is it? - It is ten dollars. We have apples. We have a lot of apples. You have not tasks. You have not many tasks. How water is in the river? How much water is in the river? How days are you in London? How many days are you in London? London has of important buildings. London has a lot of important buildings. task - ukol building - budova FEW FEW - LITTLE MÁLO countable nouns There are few people. Do you have only few books? LITTLE uncountable nouns There is little water in the well. Do you have only little money? (countable count noun uncountable A FEW - A LITTLE NĚKOLIK-TROCHU A FEW 0 countable nouns There are a few people. Je tam několik lidí. Do you have only a few books? Máš jen několik knih? A LITTLE uncountable nouns There is a little water in the bottle. V lahvi je trochu vody. I have only a little money. Mám jenom trochu peněz. 'countable count bottle uncountable počitatelm počítat láhev nepočitatelný