Uyorfty: .English for Doctors Gyorffy: English for Doctors OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY Unit3 3/1 GENERAL QUESTIONS OBSTETRICS AND GYN(A)ECOLOGY Contents 1 GENERAL QUESTIONS 2 GYNAECOLOGICAL COMPLAINTS A DYSMENORRH(0)EA, PMT B HYPERMENORRH(0)EA C METRORRHAGIA D DYSPAREUNIA E LEUKORRH(0)EA F PROLAPSE 3 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 4 PREGNANCY (A, B, C) 5 PAST PREGNANCIES (A, B) 6 PREECLAMPSIA / TOXAEMIA 7 GENERAL QUESTIONS REGARDING PAST PREGNANCIES 8 MISCARRIAGE 9 DILATATION AND CURETTAGE 10 DELIVERY (A. B.C.) 11 CONTRACEPTION 12 CLIMACTERIC 13 HYSTERECTOMY (A. B) 14 REFERRAL i Match the time expressions below with the questions concerning menstruation. a) When was your last period? A 5 days b) How long is it between your periods? B a year ago c) How long do your periods last? C 29 days d) When did you last have a smear test? D 10 days ago 2 You will hear these expressions in the dialogue. Choose the correct meaning. a) 1 don't have any lumps c) I have a regular cycle A I don't have sugar in my urine. A I exercise a lot. B I didn't find any swellings in my breast. B My periods happen at the same time every month. b) I feel a bit lumpy d) Do you find you are using a lot of pads? A I feel rather depressed. A Do you have to use a lot of sanitary protection? B My breast feels bulgy. B Do you keep a diary of when your periods occur? 9 Listen to dialogue 3/1. After listening to the dialogue, look at the topics below and form the question which could be asked about each. a) date of last menses ................................................................................................... b) onset of menses ................................................................................................... c) frequency of menses ................................................................................................... d) duration of menses ................................................................................................... e) amount of blood loss ................................................................................................... f) Pap smear. ...........................................................■....................................... g) gynaecological problems ................................................................................................... h) swelling in the breast ................................................................................................... i) lumps in the breast.......... 34 35 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY_Gyorffy: English for Doctors 3/2 GYNAECOLOGICAL COMPLAINTS 3/2/A DYSMENORRHOEA, PMT 1 %i |P Before listening to the correct pronunciation of their names (3/2/1), match the following diseases with their definitions. a) dysmenorrhoea A abnormal whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge b) amenorrhoea B pain on sexual intercourse c) Menorrhagia C lower abdominal pain during menstruation, which sometimes radiates to the back or legs d) leukorrhoea D heavy menstrual blood loss, greater than 80 mis throughout the duration of menstruation e) metrorrhagia E abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods f) dyspareunia F absence of menstruation for six weeks or more g) prolapse G slipping down of the uterus from its normal position h) bypermenorrhoea H abnormal profuse menstrual flow 2 Before listening to 3/2/A, label the sites of pain you think women complain of to the gynaecologist. What terms do yon think the patient would use? 3 ® Listen to dialogue 3/2/A. Check a) which sites are mentioned. b) what other symptoms the patient mentions. 4 Various types of pain are described in the dialogue. Find the synonyms for these types of pain from the dialogue. a) slight dull pain ..................................................................... b) severe dull pain ..................................................................... c) severe fluctuating, gripping, constricting pain ..................................................................... d) debilitating pain ...................................................................;, riygtfly^English for Doctors _ OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY B/ HYPERMENORRH(0)EA CI METRORRHAGIA 1 %i Before listening to the two dialogues, indicate which statements relate to hyper-menorrh(o)ea, metrorrhagia or both. a) My periods seem to have been getting much heavier recently. b) My periods have been irregular. c) I sometimes have a little bit of spotting. d) There have been big clots. e) It's been soaking right through the pads. 2 IP Listen to dialogues 3/2/B,C and check your answers. 3 After listening to dialogue B, fill in the gaps in the doctor's questions. a) Have you noticed that your periods have been getting................................................recently? b) Is the flow so heavy that it.........................,............................................right through tile pads? c) Have your periods been more.................................................................................than before? 4 Listen to dialogue C again and note the symptoms which the patient mentions at the time-points and intervals given. a) it varies between two and seven weeks ............................................................................... b) more than six weeks ............................................................................... c) for the first couple of days ................................................................................ d) between the periods ............................................................................... e) for the first couple of days and for the week beforehand........................................................... f) until about a year ago ............................................................................... 5 Choose the correct meaning for each of these expressions. a) heavy with flooding b) go haywire A frequent urination A stop completely B substantial blood loss B go out of order 6 Take the doctor's part in the dialogue below basing your questions on the information given by the patient. D: P: Well, they have been a bit irregular. D: P: The last was two weeks ago. D: P: No, everything was fine last year. D: P: Yes, some spotting after about two weeks. 36 37 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY Gyorffy: English for Doctors fiyorgy' English for Doctors OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY D/DYSPAREUN1A E/LEUKORRHOEA F/PROLAPSE 7 f Listen to dialogues 3/2/l),K,F and name the complaints of the patients in the order you hear them. a) prolapse. [ | b) dyspareunia | | c) leukorrhoea 8 Write in the missing words. D: a).....................................................................................................uncomfortable to have sex? P; Yes, Doctor, the last few months b)..........................,................................................................. D: c).............................................................................................every time, or just occasionally? P: Almost every time I d).............................................................................................ache inside. It's becoming so bad e) it for the last few weeks, 9 The following questions are useful when asking a patient about leukorrhoea. Decide which questions have the same meanings. a) Is it foul smelling? A Does it sting? b) Do you have any burning? B Do you have any discharge from the vagina? c) Can you describe the discharge? C What colour is the discharge? d) Do you have any discharge from down D Does it smell quite strong? below? 10 Below are two definitions of a prolapse. Choose the one you would use when explaining it to yonr patient. Explain why. a) Prolapse is the descent of the uterus from its normal position. b) Prolapse means the womb isn't held in its proper place and drops out of position. 11 Write the first part of the questions below which a doctor would ask concerning prolapse. a) Is the lump there all the time? only sometimes? b) you have been to pass urine? you have a bowel motion? c) can you push it back up? are you unable to push it back up? 3/3 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION j %i Before listening to the gynaecologist's instructions, put these instructions into a logical order by numbering the list. a) drop your knees apart b) relax your bottom down onto the bed c) pop /go, step/ behind the curtain d) take your pants off e) pull your knees up towards you f) pop up onto the couch ff Listen to dialogue 3/3 and check your order. Connect the correct noun with its verb and then create instructions using nouns and verbs starting with the initial phrases below. Would you mind pop knees Would you take off curtains If you can cover trousers If you just pull up blanket I'd like you to drop bottom Please relax feet 4 Use the pictures to practise giving instructions to the patient. 3/4/A EARLY PREGNANCY 1 ^ What symptoms of pregnancy do you know? 38 39