OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY Listen to dialogue 3/4/A and tick the sentences you hear. a) A How long do you think you haven't had a period? B How long has it been since your last period? C How long did your last period last for? b) A Do you often have sex? B Do you have a sexual partner? C Are you sexually active? c) A Are you using any kind of contraception? B Do you always take precautions when having sex? C Do you use a condom? d) A Do you think you might not be pregnant? B Is there any possibility that you are pregnant? C Do you think you might be pregnant? 3 Look at this patient's answers. Form the doctor's questions that could have elicited them. D: P: 1 don't seem to have had a period for several months. D: P: Well, I think my last period was two months ago. D: P: Yes, I'm on the pill. D: P: Well, I think I might have forgotten to take the pill once or twice. 3/4/B EARLY PREGNANCY 5 You will hear the patient use these words or expressions in the following dialogue. Do you know what they mean? Choose the correct meaning. a) queasy A slightly dizzy B slightly nauseous C rather sore b) I felt on edge A I felt very angry B I felt suicidal C I felt rather nervous c) I've gone off my food A I vomit every time I eat B I don't want to cook any more C I don't feel like eating much d) I've been a 32 B cup A this was the size of my panties B this was the size of my bra C this was how much tea I drank e) I've had morning sickness. f) I've noticed purple lines / stretch marks / on my tummy. g) I get tired easily. h) I feel very sleepy all the time. i) I've had a tiny drop of milk leaking from my breast, j) My breasts foel very full and sensitive. It) I need to spend a penny a lot. 1) My bust has been getting bigger, m) I want to eat unusual things. 3/4/C LATE PREGNANCY 7 You will hear the following expressions in the dialogue. For each of the four expressions there is only one correct definition. Select the correct definitions from the box. occasional diarrhoea not difficult to treat too painful to touch mild infection slight movement dizzy feeling secretion from the vagina _easily distinguished from any other disease_ a) fluttering feeling b) a touch of thrush c) it is easily sorted out d) discharge from down below ? Listen to dialogue 3/4/C. Form the questions asked by the doctor concerning the following. Start each question with HAVE YOU..... 6 W Listen to dialogue 3/4/B about the symptoms of pregnancy. Mark the ones you hear in the dialogue. a) I've missed a period. b) My urine test was positive. c) I've put on a lot of weight. d) I can feel the baby kicking. 40 a) kicks against the abdomen b) burning on urination c) ultrasound d) discharge e) baby's sex 41 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY Gyorffy: English for Doctors fiyjjrfiy: English for Doctors OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY .3/5 PAST-PREGNANCIES' 3/6 PREECLAMPSIA / TOXAEMIA Below are expressions used when talking to a patient in the gynaecological surgery. For each give a short medical explanation. a) internal examination b) termination c) tubule pregnancy d) miscarriage e) stillbirth f) Caesarean section .. commonly used for anything other than induced abortion.. 9 Listen to dialogue 3/5/A and then say what questions elicited the answers containing the following numbers. a) ........................................................................................................................No, the sixth. b) ........................................................................................................................Six times. c) ........................................................................................................................Three. d) ........................................................................................................................One. e) ........................................................................................................................One. 1 ff Study the text below about preeclampsia. After listening to the dialogue, underline the signs and symptoms that you heard in the dialogue on complications during pregnancy. Eclampsia is a type of convulsion that occurs shortly before or after childbirth in about one in 500 pregnancies. Good prenatal care can often, and usually does, prevent full blown eclampsia. The warning signs are headaches, failing vision, dizziness, rising and high blood pressure, and albuminuria. 3/7 GENERAL QUESTIONS REGARDING PAST PREGNANCIES ^ Before listening to the dialogue, match the answers to the questions. a) What kind of anaesthetic did you have during labour? A b) Did you start labour by yourself? B c) How long did the labour go on for? C d) Was it a normal delivery? D e) Were there any problems after delivery? E f) How did you feed the baby? E He was breast fed. No, they used forceps. Yes, it began by itself. At least twenty-four hours. Gas and air and epidural. Yes, he went to the special care unit. J? Listen to the second dialogue (3/5/B) about past pregnancies. Underline the correct choice. a) She has——.......-......------ one child two children twins b) The children are---------------- four and five three and four three and five c) The older child was born----- premature late on time d) The younger was born -...... early on time late e) The younger was--------------- born by Caesarean induced a normal birth 2 ff Listen to dialogue 3/7 and check your choice. 3 After listening to the dialogue, indicate whether the following are true or false. a) The patient had no painkillers during labour. b) The labour had to be induced. c) The baby was in distress before delivery. d) It was a short labour. e) The baby's neck muscles were strained during delivery. f) The baby was fed exclusively on formula. 4 Find the explanation for the following. a) bottle-feeding A maternal milk fed from a bottle B maternal milk replaced by animal product C bottled milk b) health visitor A health educator B social worker C peripatetic nurse c) top him up with bottles A supplement his insufficient breast-fed diet with artificial feeding B keep him warm with hot water bottles C feed him mashed food only d) express milk A feed him quickly to stop him being hungry B use only fresh milk and not milk powder C remove milk from the breast by hand or breast pump 42 43 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY__Gyorffy: English for Doctors 5 Form the questions asked by the doctor concerning the following: a) anaesthesia ............................................................................... b) onset of labour ............................................................................... c) duration of labour ............................................................................... d) possible complications ............................................................................... e) feeding ............................................................................... 3/S MISCARRIAGE 1 9 Listen to the dialogue and number the list below to indicate the chronological order. a) childbirth delivery b) childbirth delivery c) termination d) miscarriage 2 Form the correct answers to the questions asked. a) Have you ever been pregnant apart from having these two children? A I had B an abortion a miscarriage between them. b) How many weeks on were you when you miscarried? A About B c) Did you need a D & C? A Yes. B No. six. months, ten weeks. d) Have you been pregnant at any other time apart from the occasions you have mentioned? A Yes, when I was B twenty nine, nineteen. e) Do you remember how many weeks on you were when the termination happened? A It was about B eight weeks, three months. 3/9 DILA(TA)TION & CURETTAGE 1 ^ You will hear a gynaecologist explaining a D & C to medical students. Before you listen, make up sentences using the two sets of expressions and joining them with the correct verb from the box. Oy6rffy: English for Doctors_OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY [dilated examined grasped washed evacuated covered visualised ~| a) The perineum and vagina are.............................................................. with Betadine solution. b) The legs are................................................................................................ with sterile, drapes. c) The patient is........................................................................ by bimanual pelvic examination. d) The cervix is......................................................................................using a Sims's speculum. e) The anterior lip of the cervix is.....................................................................with a vulsellum. f) The cervix is............................................................................................ using Hegar dilators. g) The cavity of the uterus is....................................................................... by suction curettage. 2 IP Listen to the doctor's explanation (3/9) and check your answers. 3 IP After listening to the doctor's explanation, select the six stages which are important for the patient to know about. Write out how you would explain a D & C to your patient being reassuring, and using words she will understand. Give the explanation clearly, using: First, then, after that, finally. Then listen to our version on the tape (3/9/3). 3/1(1 DELIVERY 3/1 (l/A BEFORE THE DELIVERY 1 Name three methods of delivery. 2 ^ Before listening to the gynaecologist's explanation of why he plans to induce labour, fill in the gaps. due date started dates overdue Well, looking at the (a) ............................................ of your pregnancy your baby is really quite (b).............................................................now. It should have been here about ten days ago and we really don't like to leave them too much longer dran two weeks over the (c)........................... so what we'll do is try and bring you to hospital tomorrow and get the delivery (d) .................... P Listen to the doctor's explanation (3/10/A) and check your answers. After listening, complete the explanation below using BECAUSE, SO THAT or SO AS TO. What will be done? What for? a) We'll get labour started ... because the baby is overdue..................... b) We'll put some gel up by the cervix c) We can put a drip up d) We break the waters 44 45