PRESENT CONTINUOUS Přítomný průběhový čas Past Present Future ípresent - přítomný icontinuous - průběhový, průběžný USE actions happening at the moment of speaking John is watching a film, temporary actions My brother is attending a course this week. actions happening around the moment of speaking (longer actions) Peter is preparing for his exams. trends More and more schools are using computers for lessons. repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker Helen is always forgetting her homework fixed plan in the near future I am going to manage it this afternoon. luse - použití I action - akce happen - stát se ítemporary - dočasný Kiround the moment I- přibližné v dobe attend - navštěvovat Vkurz) íprepare - připravovat lexom - zkouška forget - zapomenout manage - vyřídit Irritate - popuzovat, hněvat Signal words • now • at the moment • this month • this week • this year • today • recently • this morning Westminster Abbey FORM - singular I am + (verb)+ing Ü I am + work+ing 0 I am working You are + (verb)+ing Ü You are + work+ing He is + (verb)+ing Ü He is + work+ing Ü She is + work+ing Ü It is + work+ing You are working He is working 0 She is working 13 It is working 1 singular-jednotné číslo FORM - plural We are + (verb)+ing Ü We are + work+ing Ü We are working You are + (verb)+ing Ü You are + work+ing You are working They are + (verb)+ing Ü They are + work+ing They are working singular-jednotné číslo AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES I am (I'm) writing it now. You are (You're) flying to New York this week. He/she/it is (he's, she's, it's) going out this evening. We are (We're) visiting them today. They are (They're) spending their holiday with their parents this year. affirmative - oznamovací hentence - věta I spend - strávit Westminster Abbey QUESTIONS • What are you doing this evening? • Are they flying to New York this week? • What are you doing now? • ls_he going to the theater tonight? Otázky v angličtině VŽDY začínají slovesem - are, is, do, does nebo tázacím zájmenem - who, where, what, why question - otázka NEGATIVE SENTENCES • I am (I'm) not writing it today. • You are (You're) not flying to New York this week. • He/she/it is (he's, she's, it's) not going out this evening. • We are (We're) not visiting them today. • They are (They're) not spending their holiday with their parents this year. negative - záporný sentence - věta 10 Shakespeare's Globe Theater Non-continuous verbs Slovesa, která se nepoužívají v přítomném průběhovém čase Sense Verbs hear, see, seem, smell, sound, taste, please, appear Communication agree, disagree, promise, surprise, know, astonish, deny, impress, mean, satisfy Possession Verbs possess, owe, belong, own Emotion Verbs like, love, hate, prefer, dislike, fear, envy, mind, believe, dislike, doubt, imagine, realize, recognize, remember, suppose, understand, want Other Verbs be, want, cost, need, care, contain, to exist, concern, consist, contain, depend, deserve, fit, include, involve, lack, matter 1-1 Actions happening at the moment of speaking Past Present Future Ty se teď učíš anglicky. You are learning English now. Ty teď neplaveš. You are not swimming now. Spíš? Are you sleeping? Sedím, nestojím. I am sitting, I am not standing. Petr sedí nebo stojí? Is Peter sitting or standing? Děti se nedívají na televizi. The children are not watching television. question - otázka 1-2 Actions happening at the moment of speaking Past Present Future Čtou si právě knihu. They are reading a book. Co děláš? What are you doing? Kam jdeš? Where are you going? Proč si neděláš úkol? Why aren't you doing your homework? Kde se učí žáci? Where are pupils learning? Kdo ten úkol nedělá? Who isn't doing the task? task - úkol, zadání j homework - domácí úkol 2 Longer Actions in Progress Now Učím se, protože chci být dobrým řemeslníkem. I am learning to be a good craftsman. Čteš knihu Tom Sawyer? Are you reading the book Tom Sawyer? Momentálně nečtu žádné knihy. I am not reading any books right now. Proč si neděláš úkoly? Why aren't you doing your homeworks? Pracujete teď na nějakých speciálních projektech? Are you working on any special projects? Ty teď neučíš na škole? Aren't you teaching at school now? Past Present Future progress - pokrok, průběh longer - delší (long) 3 Repetition and Irritation with "Always" xxxitxxx Past Present Future John chodí pořád do školy pozdě. John is always coming to school late. Helena pořád mluví. Helen is always speaking. Nemám rád lidi, kteří si neustále stěžují. I don't like people who are always complaining. Pořád zapomínám klíče. I am always forgetting my keys. Neustále si půjčuje peníze. He is always borrowing money. Můj syn pořád hraje počítačové hry. Aren't My son is always playing computer games. complain - stěžovat si forget - zapomenout borrow - půjčit si