ADVERBS Příslovce Adjective Mandy is a careful girl. Adverb Mandy drives carefully. Use of adverbs • Modify verbs: The handball team played badly last time. • Modify adjectives: It was an extremely bad match. • Modify adverbs: The team played extremely badly. 2 Adjective + ly dangerous easy horrible happy shy safe Form adverbs dangerously easily horribly happily shyly safely Adjectives = Adverbs friendly přátelský - přátelsky likely pravděpodobný - pravděpodobně lonely osamělý - osaměle lovely krásný - krásně lowly nízký, pokorný - nízce, pokorně early brzký - brzy Adjectives = Adverbs high vysoký/vysoko highly vysoce low nízký/ nízko lowly ponížené deep hluboký/hluboko deeply hluboce near blízký/blízko nearly temer hard tvrdý/tvrdě hardly stezi wrong špatný/špatně wrongly chybně late pozdní/pozdě lately nedávno direct přímý/přímo directly okamžitě fast rychlý/rychle Adjective or Adverb after look (vypadat), smell, taste, sound The pizza tastes good Jamie can taste well. His feet smell bad. John can smell badly. Linda looks good. Linda looks well. It sounds reasonable. How are you? I am good / fine I am well (How is the pizza?) (How can Jamie taste?) (How are his feet?) (How can John smell?) (What type of person is she?) (She was ill, now she is fit.) (To zni rozumne) (emotional state) (physical state) Adjective instead of adverb Cheap with verbs buy, sell, hire, get He bought it cheap. (Koupil to levně) Tight Hold tight/tightly. (Držte se pevně) Parallel The street runs parallel/parallely. (Ta ulice vede rovnoběžně) Comparison of adverbs Adjectives = Adverbs comparative - er superlarive - est hard - harder - hardest Adjectives = Adverbs -ly comparative - more superlative - most likely - more likely - most likely Adverbs comparative - more superlative - most Irregular comparison well better best badly worse worst much more most little less least far further furthest farther farthest FARTHER vs. FURTHER •farther = dál, více daleko (častěji americká angličtina) •farthest = nejdál, nejvíc daleko (častěji americká angličtina) •further = dál, více daleko (častěji britská angličtina) •furthest = nejdál, nejvíc daleko (častěji britská angličtina) Pokud tedy jde o vzdálenost, lze použít obě slovíčka: We decided not to go any farther/further. They were standing farther/further from the door. He lives farther/further north. Keep walking. Her house is much farther/further. 10 FURTHER • further details = další detaily further questions = další otázky further damage = další škody We had to wait for a further 10 minutes. • further (adv) = hlouběji, podrobnější (dále, více do detailů) • We need to study the issue further. • Can we talk further about it? • furthest • I třetí stupeň furthest/'f3:5ist/(nikoli farthest) má další použití. • furthest (adv) = nejvíce, nejhlouběji, v největší míře • He studied the issue furthest. • He went the furthest of all pupils in his education. 11