pronikání molekul rozpouštědla z méně koncentrovaného roztoku do roztoku koncentrovanějšího outcome /'aut.kAm/ výsledek, výsledek čeho, jak věc dopadne, závěr palliative /'paal.i.a.tiv/ paliativní, utišující, bolest zmírňující peers /piarz/ vrstevníci permissible /pa' přípustný, dovolený permit /pa'mit/ povolit, dovolit pooling /pud.irj/ nahromadění krve nebo jiné tekutiny, nahromadění krve je následkem dilatace a zastavení oběhu v kapilárách a žilách v oblasti possession /pa' majetek, vlastnictví posttraumatic / posttraumatický, poúrázový precede /pn'siid/ předcházet časově preserve /pn'z3iv/ zachovat, uchovat rape /reip/ znásilnit, znásilnění reasonable /' / přijatelný, rozumný refusal /rťfjuizal/ odmítnutí regional /' regionální, týkající se dané oblasti right /rait/ právo scope /skaup/ rozsah solvent /'sol.vant/ ředidlo, rozpouštědlo spouse /spaus/ choť, manžel/ka standing /staend.irj/ order /bída/ trvalý příkaz statute /'staetjuit/ zákon, předpis steady /'sted.i/ stálý survivor /sa'vai.var/ přeživší, pozůstalý take /teik/ time /taim/ trvat, věnovat čas turn out /'t3:n,aut/ zahnout ven, naruby, projevit se upgrade Mp'greid/ zlepšit, stoupnout, zvýšení valid /'vaslid/ platný, oprávněný vent /vent/ ventilovat, otvor, průduch Volume 2 Unit 1 1 You are called for a 55-year-old man who "suddenly collapsed." He is__________ Initial management of this patient's airway should include. - Insertion of an oropharyngeal airway and ventilation with bag-valve mask. * An apnoeic and pulse less patient is unlikely to have an intact gag reflex, _____________an OPA to help control the _____________A BVM will need at least 10 Lpm of oxygen flow in order to adequately _________the patient during ventilations. oxygenate, apnoeic and pulse less, upper airway, necessitating 2 You respond to a college fraternity where you encounter a 19-year-old male with a partially obstructed airway. According to witnesses, he was eating pizza and drinking beer when he began to________ ____his throat. The patient is able to speak in a_____________only, and he has been coughing repeatedly for about 20 minutes. What is the best treatment for this patient? - Remove the___________with forceps.* A conscious patient with a partial obstructed airway should be dealt with by _________________and continuous monitoring of patient status. Interventions like Heimlich manoeuvre are considered counterproductive, as they may actually ______the obstruction. To perform a needle cricothyrotomy, you should place the patient: supine with head and neck hyperextended.* — 152 — A_____________________will place the headache complaints, this is most likely anatomical structure. __________. hoarse whisper, hyperextended position, worsen, identified, obstruction, cough and grab, encouraging coughing upon tne tever, vomiting, seizure, neoplasm, meningitis, Brain 5 Your patient is a 24-year-old female who shows signs and symptoms of pelvic What is the goal of_______________ for this patient? - Make the patient as comfortable as possible and transport to the hospital. * The goal of prehospital care for patients with PID is to______________. There is no need to perform a___________or ask any questions regarding sexual contacts. provide comfort, inflammatory disease, vaginal exam, prehospital care 6 You respond to a 22-year-old male who is complaining of__________of chest pain. The patient states that the pain________ and sharp and that it started when he surfaced from a_________from 60 feet (1 8.2 metres) down. The patient's diving partner states that the patient________too rapidly. What is this patient most likely suffering from? - Pulmonary embolism. * A too rapid ascent from a scuba dive may result in a pulmonary embolism due to lung_____________. What does treatment for this patient consist of? - IV, high-flow oxygen, and rapid transport to a recompression chamber. * An IV, 100% oxygen via a nonrebreather mask, and transport to a_____________ _______are essential for this patient. 3 Your patient is a 26-year-old male with a midshaft_____________and no other apparent injuries. The patient is_____and oriented, and all vital signs are normal. The best way to__________this fracture is to use: the PASG/MAST a long spine board a traction splint. * a softly padded board In a stable patient, the PASG is unnecessary. The long board will not adequately immobilize this injury because the muscles of the leg will_____and __._____the leg. A padded board may not provide adequate traction to prevent muscle spasms either, so the_______ ______is the best choice. shorten, immobilize, femur fracture, spasm, alert 4 A 16-year-old male complains of a fever, sore neck, nausea, vomiting, and headache. During transport, he begins to have a ________Which of the following would be your most likely field impression? _____abscess cerebral________ meningitis * sepsis While the other answers are possible, — 153 - Due to his rapid ascent, this patient may also be suffering from another diving related emergency: decompression sickness.* Due to the_____of the dive and the rapid ascent, this patient may also be suffering from______________________ What is an additional possible problem associated with this injury? -Nitrogen bubbles entering tissue spaces and smaller blood vessels. * scuba dive, rapid onset, is tearing, decompression sickness, cyanotic, depth, surfaced, overinflation, recompression chamber 7 Your patient is a 28-year-old diver who has been using scuba equipment. His diving partner states that he was unconscious when he surfaced after_____. You should suspect: air embolism. * __________presents as____________ _______(including unconsciousness) during or after______from a dive, or as a sharp pain in the chest. Due to his rapid ascent, this patient may also be_____________another diving related emergency: decompression sickness. * Due to the depth of the dive and the rapid ascent, this patient may also be suffering from decompression sickness. What is an additional possible problem associated with this injury? - Nitrogen bubbles entering____________ and smaller blood vessels.* In this patient, nitrogen__________may have entered tissue spaces and blood vessels. a dive, tissue spaces, Air embolism, ascent, suffering from, gas bubbles, neurological deficit 8 This statement about care of a near-drowning ______is correct: The patient should be admitted to the hospital for observation.* Due to the chance of post event pulmonary oedema, all___-________victims should be admitted to the hospital for___________. victim, near-drowning, observation 9 Your patient is a 23-year-old man who complains of abdominal pain. The patient states that the pain began________and was originally located only in the area around the_________. Now, however, it has moved to the__________quadrant. The patient also complains of nausea and vomiting, and he has a fever of 102 °F (38.8 °C). Examination displays rebound What would you suspect? -Apendicitis. * tenderness, right lower, suddenly, umbilicus 10 A patient suspected of having an________ aortic aneurysm will receive oxygen, an IV, ECG monitoring, and rapid transport as part of his or her treatment. What else should you do when treating such a patient?_____the PASG/MAST garment. * Treat the patient for shock and transport