10. Vyjadřování budoucnosti
20. Přeložte. Užijte wilL
a) Kde budete?
b) Bude se mnou trpělivá?
c) Ale bude oběd hotový?
d) Proč si myslíš, že budeš smutný?
e) Budeš můj kamarád?
í) Proč tam Theresa nebude?
g) Bude to takhle lepší?
h) O půlnoci? Ale nebudeš už spát?
i) Co budou dělat? j) A koho se zeptáte?
k) Co budeme potřebovat? 1) V kolik myslíš, že skončíš? m) Pošleš mi pohled?
n) Půjčíte mi propisku?
o) Myslíš, že to pomůže?
p) V kolik hodin budou chtít přijít?
q) Co si o nás budou myslet?
r) Jak jim odpovíš? [Jakou jim dáš odpovědi1]
s) A kde necháš auto?
t) Uděláš to pro mě hned ted?
u) Prečteš mi to?
v) Ale jak to potmě najdeš?
w) Bude vám to vadit?
x) Ale bude to něco znamenat?
y) Kdy se zase uvidíme?
z) Budeš o tom alespoň přemýšlet?
21. Ve kterých větách může být be going to nahrazeno přítomným průběhovým časem s odkazem na budoucnost?
a) I'm going to think about you all day. e) How are you going to find out?
b) I'm going to cry. f) We're going to start at eight.
c) I'm going to lie down. g) What are you going to give him for his birthday next week?
d) Are you going to invite Mike too? h) What are they going to think?
22. V každé trojici vět zaškrtněte možné způsoby odkazování na BUDOUCNOST.
a) 1. He's lending me his car tomorrow, x 2. He's going to lend me his car tomorrow, x 3- He'll lend me his car tomorrow.
b) 1. Do you think he's agreeing? x 2. Do you think he's going to agree? x 3. Do you think he'll agree?
c) 1. I'm telling them about it tomorrow, x 2. I'm going to tell them about it tomorrow, x 3- I'll tell them about it tomorrow.
d) 1. We're staying at home tonight, x 2. We're going to stay at home tonight, x 3. We'll stay at home tonight.
e) 1. Look at the sky. It's raining, x 2. Look at the sky. It's going to rain, x 3. Look at the sky. It'll rain.
f) 1. I don't think the test is being difficult, x 2. I don't think the test is going to be difficult, x 3. I don't think the test will be difficult.
g) 1. You must come. Bob promises it's being a great concert, x 2. You must come. Bob promises it's going to be a great concert, x 3. You must come. Bob promises it will be a great concert.
h) 1. What are you wearing for the party? x 2. What are you going to wear for the party? x 3. What will you wear for the parry?
i) 1. I don't know. I'm waiting and seeing, x 2. I don't know. I'm going to wait and see. x 3. I don't know. I'll wait and see.
j)  1. I'm not sure if he's liking the idea, x 2. I'm not sure if he's going to like the idea, x 3. I'm not sure if he'll like the idea.
23- Doplňte odpovídající tvar sloves do vět odkazujících na budoucnost.
a) Don't you understand it? I_
b) I_(buy) it for you if you haven't got enough money on you.
c) They_
d) Look. That ladder
e) I_
f) Oh dear. Look at the time. We
g) Are you cold? I_
h) They_
i) Give it to me. I_
j) Have you got a map on you? I _ k) I can't go with you on Friday. I.
(EXPLAIN) it to you, then.
(move) in a few days. _(fall) over.
(go) with you if you like.
(miss) the train. (shut) the window if you are.
(get married) this Saturday at two o'clock. _(open) it for you.
_(show) you where we live.
_(xMEET) Alex at five.
J 42      budoucí čas prostý: tázací věty (20); voiba mezi bud. prostým časem, vazbou ne going to a přít. průběhovým časem (21-23
10. Vyjadřování budoucnosti
1) What a smell! Perhaps I_
m) We must go now or we_
n) You never know. Maybe they_
o) Beryl's in her last year at university. She_
p) Perhaps you should put it in your bag or you q) Don't eat that. You_
(have) a bath before everyone arrives. _ (be) late.
_(choose) you for the job.
_(be) a dentist.
_(lose) it.
r) He's absolutely sure they_
s) Can you wait for me on Wednesday afternoon? - I'm afraid I can't. I
(play) tennis with Steph.
t) Can I speak to Tom? - Yes, of course. I_
u) What_you_
v) Perhaps the weather_
w) Please have my seat. I_
x) This is lovely wine. I think I_
y) I'm really tired. Perhaps I_
z) She_
(be) ill.
_(WIN) the match, and so am I.
(call) him for you.
(do) this evening? Anything
(be) better at the weekend. _ (get off) at the next stop. _(ask) the waiter what it is.
(stay) in tonight after all.
(come) tomorrow and she
(stay) until Sunday evening.
Úroveň B
24. Vedlejší věty po spojkách if, when, while. Přeložte začátky souvětí.
a) Až odpovíš... f) Jestli budou souhlasit...
b) Až on usne... g) Pokud tady zůstaneme...
c) Až to najdeš... h)Jestli nám napíšeš...
d) Až začnou... i) Jestli se na mě usměje...
e) Až to uvidíš... j) Jesdi se nám to nebude líbit...
k) Jesdi to nebude stát příliš moc.. 1) Jesdi ona nic neřekne... m) Zatímco budeš cvičit... n) Zatímco se budeme učit... o) Zatímco budou pryč...
25. Doplňte spojky if, when, nebo while.
a) _
b) _
c) _
d) I'll clean the windows
e) _
g) -.-
h) You won't fall off,
i) _
j) -
k) _
D _
. you continue like this you'll get into trouble, you're honest they'll only respect you more for it. . you wake up tomorrow morning you'll feel much better. _Jack's asleep.
I'll tidy up the bedroom
I bring three more will that be enough? _you're cooking.
they employ Laura they'll soon be sorry. _you hold my hand.
I'm in Paris I'll visit all the galleries.
you get to know Jack better you'll see he's a perfectly nice man. you post it now he'll receive it tomorrow, you wait you can read something.
26. Spojte věty vlevo a vpravo tak, abyste utvořili logická souvětí. Užijte každou větu jen jednou.
a)	If you climb up there...	A.	.. .I'll ask him for a discount.
b)	The monitor won't get too dusty...	B.	.. .if it fits you alright.
c)	Your students will be much keener...	C.	.. .when she notices it.
d}	She says she'll happily give you the dress...	D.	... if you encourage them more.
e)	If you look after your pet well...	E.	.. .you won't want to eat it.
f)	But if you put butter on it...	F.	.. .it will soon become your best friend
g)	When he wakes up...	G.	...you won't want to put it down.