59 15 Drugs' U What Are Drugs? Drugs can mean cvciyduaí» ftmn tigarcLtes and aieohol to heruiri. In this text, however; wc are talking about drirgs used illegally, such as heroin, cannabis, magie mushrooms, amphetruaíncíi, l&U and cocaine. j he élTccts ofLhese druys vary, depending lín ík>\v ihey art used arid the people tal(í?i£ (horn. Any of ihem, however, Cílit cause probkuns when misused- So ail. of us need to know sorncLtiing about dním if wc are going to ťccl ťuJllídc-nt abuilt providing hcfť> to proíc^L our chiklreri and friends from their ťífeets. l-A'cai if you risk taking drugs in smati doses., they reduce the control yovj have over your muscles, lessen your reaction rime and lower vour conciliation. So il~ for instance;, you. work with machinery or drive a car, you could be a danger to other people as well as to your&elfl heroin [hcrsu'm) u.; cocaine 'kou'keiiij n, make a tEiild even more rebellious, rJul the r{ghl words of Ulklerstandiilg csn reinforce their dgcisuirt not to. take dmus. The most important people when it comes to coping with (he drug problem may not tc the police, doctors or social Workers. They mould ho parents or rYi-ends......like-you. VOi'AiWIARY become ^Jdictcd kVdiklid] to - ■ still se závislým «w tope I koup] wiffc vyrovnat se í disturbing [dis^tOíbiijl znepokojivý get on with vycházet s rebellion* [ri^beljasj odbojný ťeiDforce [rair/ťo:*] zpevnit, posílit supposedly [saVsuHtfi] údajně, prý tread [ired] jit, pohyboval se, našlapovat tend carefully ■ chodit po Špičkách, opatrně nuálapovaá turn to ziiir. LLtěci ST k VOCAliUJjUtY confident Lkimfidantj sebejisty, spoJehlivy misuse Irnis'ju.'z] ym?-u±[\ provide kelp Ipm'vaidj — rjoskytrmui porno*; vary Lvcsrij lish se, rtiZTJlT se; rntSnit sc □ TllT DkVC PttOBLEM Just because somneotn; Likes a drug it docs not mean they will become addicted lo it. Al times in our lift, almost all of" us turn to drii^ of ojic ywl or another. Cigarettes and alcohol are, of course, Hie ntost common oncsr Kui many of us also turn to steeping iablett, tranquillisers or anti-depressants to help relax and cope with the stress arid tension of everyday Jjfc, In many ways children turn uu their drugs for just (he same reasons. Adolescence, as we all know, can be a difficult period. Often it's a time when we don't get on with our parents. There are also many pressures m school, from parents, and1 from friends. It ii a period of change when many choiito rmist be made. And al a lime when work ran he a major jwoblenn there is also frusuratlon n*id l>eretto]n. All <t\ which means I hat whtn 5<5mCone5 perhaps a friend, ofrcrs a child something which is suprxwedly "fim-r and "everyone else71 is taking it. the pressures and curiosity are so great Ihey may try it themselves. Porfun&tcly. most children s^y "no". Llrrfortunatcly;, though, a dishrrhir^ nurnbier are sayniy "yes". Most children gnjw out of it. Or simply decide they dor'L like if Hid then sjtop, Ditt a few jjo on to have- a serious drug; problem. That's why we all need to tread eareM-?y when tqlkinj; to a child ft'e sospec.i coay he inking drugs, A wrong word at the wrong tiiuc can jo-ntctimcy moTiKBif *nd mtrilÉCí ůsrrar oí thu r*flftiikJK* <myapdttiy>r high Híůd presauie fjarcrwtitis M=f dam ago řilCífllřty. MUu&l (rTTyůpaftřv] GO THJťnfiWIU EKERÍ3I5E5 ($Jš\r. RftRTJ U What Tan Be the Dancers of 11k main dangers are a? follows: JLavJjl-L ail accidira ":1 i!t.- jnitr '.neii ir - Some drugs mgy depress OT Stop h Ft: rolling. Aceidejutal overdose can lead to unconsciousness or even death. - Addiction Or dependence, after regular use In add! linn to Jwsc dangers, dnigs can also have nasty side-effects. They can briny on confusion and frightening rLutlociiiaiioiis. I ney can cause unbalanced emoljwjs or more serious mental d.i*ordefx.. Fircl lime herein user* jre sometimes violently slckr Regular users may become constipated, and e;irls tan [nisH their periods. 1 Jittr sliEl, there may he more scrinu& mental and physical dttcriorntion. And if a drug user atarii; io injec^ infections leading to sores, abscesses, jaundice^ blood poisoning and even AIDS virus infection may follow. VíKľAlllILARV accidcntJi) (icksi'deml] náhodný addiction [i'dikSn] to xth závislost nu item, narkomanie hríng on privndif, jpusnbit deterioration Jdriiario'reiSnl ^toršení in addition [3Jdisn] to kromC, nadlo jaundice [diu:ndisj iloutenka ti asty [uaisti] oSfcdivy; škodlivý, nebezpečný sure Isolák, vřed □ How To Spot 1>ru<; Taking The first. Hung (o say is (hal il inťt easy, f [specially when a child first lakes drugs, or only taJíes llieni occasionally. Many of (he signs lifted below are just like the normal signs of growing upr So don't jump to concl usiotts too hustily if your child displays some of these. Sudden, changes of mood from happy and alert losu] len and moody. Uncharacteristic irritability or agression. — Losa of appetite. Lois (?T interest in hobbies* sport, School wort, or friendi. ;><j..Il. r"\\:\;\".-:-.\:-^ j: j'.u-iiI^i^ls Increased evidence of telling lies or furtive behaviour. Unexplained loss of money or longings from the home. - Unusual smells, sfains or marts on the body or clothes, nr around the house. Unusual powders, tablets^ capsules, scorelied tinfoil or (more rarely nowadays) needles or syringes. akrt|a'to:i] Ciiý, Wčiy hnut JbmrtJ nf ríclivat {itfpf WfflOO'} furtive [Ja:livl kradmý, tajný hastily [hcisrlij spcäjiŕ, ukvapeně Jump lo cunclusinns [knn'k Lu:?ns] - dčLar ukvapeně aůvřry needle fniidi} jehla scorch l&kOJĚ] připálil, Sežehnout, usychat spot zde: vypátrat, prijir mi sullen [salaiij zasmušilý, mrzutý, chmurný syringe i sirindij stříkačka linfoil staniol lícnd Uic bjsic information arwirt thiz very iiuipor-fum jnd current topir. WQjřk ~zíi p^iťs flľ j;ruupsr each Should work With one topic according to its irrrrrcrt for them. 'Incn thfy tvj3\ give nut tnfnr-uiatiou ab&Ut "its- druj to each other in their own words. The teacher will help you to discuss the problems COnuecledl with (his subject. Amphetamines (Speed} Commonly a white or brown powder, bint can lie in pi]] or capsule lorm. Usually sniffed or injected, Nfakcs people lively, and over-alert, but depression and difficulty v^itii ilccf) can follow. Heavy use can pro-dace feeling o r persecution. tJanabu (Pot, l>opc, Hush, (irassi) Hard brown resinous material or Iterbat miitture. ímoked. in a rccfcr or pipe, snmcrinicj with tohaceo. Distinctive "iierbal" smetl. Users may appear "drunk" and talkative. Kisk of accidents when intoxicated. <nocjine «'oke) A white powder, eommonly sni lied. Can (w injected or sometimes smoked. Similar effcetř to amplietimi-jiesÉ but more likely to lead to dcperKlejKC. Hero m (Smncb, Sbag) While or speckled bro-wn powder. Usually heated on silver foil and fumes inhaled. Can be sniffed or injected, Produces inŕrial Alertness followed by d rows!-neiis and ^drunken" appearance. Overdose can produce unconsciousness. Regular, frequent use produces dependence. Abstinence in a regular user ean result in physicaC withdrawal sj-rnptoms similar to flu, Macic MuslirOOms Types of mushroom containing a s:ubsLancc like LSD. íjrow wild in the UK. Produce hilarity, o^nerexci-Icmcnl and wilh high doses, drcani-likc ímagcSr Main ritk arises from eating Other poisonous muahrooms. Other Opioids (dikes, 118a) May include ttc4 or white tablete or ampoules, Swallowed or injected. Same effecls as heroin. 1CX1C ANO rjíFRf illibiG (BASU '■ MRT y 61 LSD <Adil) Tiny coloured tableta. Taken by mouth. Produces ylazed eyes and sometimes ovcr-excitcmcnl. Heavy use can produce acme confusion and ideas of persecution. Tranquillisers Prescribed tablets and capsules sometimes taken illegally for kicks. Similar effect to alcohol and inf-re-asod clíbťt when taken with alcohol. Injecting Many drugs can be injected. Risks arc abscesses, infected veins, blood poisoning hepatitis and AIDS virus infection. □ What Tr> Do If Your Child Is Taking Drugs The first and most important thiny u» remember i* to try not lo over-rcaa. i-ven though you may reel angry and want to lake it out on your son or daughter. You could OJiLy make a small problem biggcr. It's worth talcing time to talk to your husband or wife first, and perhaps to your doctor, frie[ids or your child's teacher. Theft, as rationally and quietly as you can, rjring up (he subject with your child. Try to find out his or her attitude. Whether or nor they've taken many drugs, which one;; and how often, Point out the dangers of drugs, in u earing and protective way rather than m an authoritarian, bossy manner. VOCAJWlAftY attitude [aflitjmdl postoj authoritarian |o:Qori'tearionl atrtnriťářský' bossy [bosi] panovačný, pánovilý brín£ tíh up - zavést na něco rozhovor, nadhodit něco caring [kearhjj starostlivý manner [mamríl způsob; zvyk; sly! ovor-reuct přehnané reagovat point out poukázat ntK označit, urfii protective Ipri'tckiiv] ochranný take it out vrt sb, odreagoval se ňti kom, ochladit si žáhu Ani kom way cesta, trasa; způsob in a way - způsobem worth [wů:0] hodnota, cena be worth stát za to □ The Doss and Don*ts \ Jridouhicdly, prevention is better ih:ui cure. So here are a lew guidelines to help make sine drugs don1! mess up your family, l*o Lhicik about your own attitude to drugs, And remember that a child may think illegal drugs no more dangerous than your legal cigarettes and alcohol. Do remember that legally prescribed tranquillisers and sedatives are a tcmpLatLon. And explain both their seriousness and why you need them. l)n think about how you'd react if one of your children was tafciny drugs. l>o make time to talk to your son or daughter about the subject - arguing won't help ibem tlirough their worries ;uid problems. DonTt dwell simply on honor Stories of'drug takmg. To someone who has taken drugs and enjoyed them, it can scent unbelievable. Don't be over-Suspicious- I Tl-lä Could be unfair and, indeed, tend to push them into drug-taking. VO( ARTH ARV dwell [dwclj on divat důraz w, obírat se čim guideline [gaidlain] smirnícc, vodítko ItC1*3 U^gi) zákonný, pravni mess up obrátit vzhůru nohama, zpřcháiMt; zbahrst over-suspicious |uuvo ws'pisss] přehnaně podezíravý temptation [Leiup'tcisoiiJ pokušení, lákání tend ia sih přikláněl se k čemu, tíhnout k čemu undoubtedly jan'dautidlij bezpochyby □ What To íh> in an Emergency Hopefully it will never happen, hxii if your child or ťnend should overdose and you lind them drowsy or unconscious if s important thai yon know what in do. ll could save their lite. First, make sure they've got fresh air. Then turn them on their side, and try not to leave Ihem alone (otherwise they could inhale vomit). Ring lor a doctor as soon as possible* or dial 155 (999 in iircat llnuJn) arid ask for an ambulance. Finally, collect any powders, tablets or anything diat may have been used in taking the drug and take them to the hospital for the doctor to examine. After an emergency like this give your child or friend a chance to talk it over with you. Your under-Standing arid tare al this time may be vítal in persuading them to accept help. VOr art it. ary accept [ak'scpt] přijmout, uznat drowsy [druuzi] ospaly* netečný persuade L|»'swcidJ přemluvit talt síň Over prodebatovat, probral neců, pohovořil si o něčem 52 TT.yrS AND OiCftĽlSĽS (BASIC: PAKT) EXElU ISĽS 1. Answer tke following question; ITavc you been wcn-inibrined uEjuul drug abuse? - Have you found new information ft* yourself from trie text above? - Have any of your friends ever met with this problem? - How did they solve it? .4 Why should people avoid taking drui^? - t-'or what roiiiocis Jo people be^in to take drugs? What arc Ihc .social and physical consequences on (Jiosc who abuse druysf' IA) you know about a 'Drop-tn' centre [n your town? 2. Write a leaflet or an advertisement with .simple drawings or pictures warning against using drugs. (You may work in groups or alone with your leathers help.)