EUSEM Position paper on Emergency Medical Systems response to COVID-19
Garcia-Castrillo Luis a
Petrino Roberta b
Leach Robert c
Dodt Christoph d
Behringer Wilhelm e
Khoury Abdo f
Sabbe Marc g
a Emergency Department, Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain
b Emergency Department, S. Andrea Hospital, Vercelli, Italy.
c Department of Emergency Medicine, Centre Hospitalier de Wallonie picarde, Tournai,
d Emergency Department, Städtisches Klinikum München Bogenhausen, München,
e Center for Emergency Medicine, University Hospital Jena, Friedrich Schiller
University, Am Klinikum 1, Jena, Germany.
f Department of Emergency Medicine & Critical Care, Besançon University Hospital,
Besançon, France
g Department of Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Received 9 March 2020 Accepted 12 March 2020
0969-9546 Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000701
The 2019 novel Coronavirus acute respiratory epidemic is creating a stressed situation
in all the health systems of the affected countries.
Emergency Medical systems and specifically the Emergency departments as the front
line of the health systems are suffering from overload and severe working conditions,
the risk of contagion and transmission of the health professionals adds a substantial
burden to their daily work. Under the perspective of European Society For Emergency
Medicine, the recommendations provided by the health authorities are reviewed focus
on the emergency departments activity.
2019 Novel Coronavirus
Emergency Medicine
Emergency medical systems
Emergency Departments
Coronaviruses, a family of viruses causing primarily respiratory infections, are responsible for
10-30% of all human respiratory infections [1]. The severity of infection ranges from mild
respiratory problems, similar to the common cold [2], to bilateral interstitial pneumonia and
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Since the beginning of the 21st century, several epidemics have demonstrated the apparent
ease with which these viruses can transfer from one species to another; along with these
mutations comes an increase in the virulence of these new strains. The 2019 novel Coronavirus
acute respiratory disease, now referenced by the World Health Organization (WHO) as COVID-
19 is caused by a new coronavirus officially named SARS-CoV-2. It is believed to have initially
infected animals and was subsequently transmitted to humans, thus, enabling human to
human transmission [3]. Being an RNA virus, SARS-CoV-2 has the inherent capacity of a high
mutation rate that can make predicting the number of people infected as well as its future
virulence virtually impossible. Beginning in December 2019 with infections in China, more and
more countries have been affected, and on 30 January 2020, WHO declared this epidemic a
“Public Health Emergency of International Concern” [4].
The SARS-CoV-2 differs from the previous SARS and MERS coronaviruses. Although the early
clinical manifestations are similar, SARS presented a higher virulence, reaching a mortality rate
during the 2002 epidemic of about 9.5% [5], while in 2012 the MERS coronavirus epidemic
reached a mortality rate greater than 30% in Saudi Arabia [6]. At the time of this writing, SARSCoV-2
appears to be more contagious than these other two viruses with over 30000 cases in a
2 month period; however, the mortality rate has not exceeded 2%, targeting mainly the elderly
and the fragile.
Human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been identified from the beginning of the
outbreak [3], justifying the rigorous quarantine measures that have been initiated. Health care
facilities have played an unwillingly significant role in COVID-19 transmission [7] with a
transmission rate over 40%, mainly hospital contacts, while domestic transmission remains
below 30% [8].
Two important aspects may be noted. First, patients are more contagious during the severe
phase of the disease, when they are likely to seek health care, although the possibility of
contagion from asymptomatic patients cannot be excluded [9]. Second, protective measures
by health services, especially in public and open environments like Emergency Departments
where isolation of potentially infected patients is a real challenge, or clinical wards is vital [10].
Fortunately, unlike previous epidemics of SARS, identification of the infection and the virus
itself has been rapid. The prompt response and massive organisation of the Chinese health
system has limited its spread. Nevertheless, the large number of cases and the daily increases
in cases suggest that we are facing a very contagious strain. The current transmissibility of
SARS-CoV-2 is estimated at Ro 2,24-3,5 which is consistent with a highly transmissible virus
The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are similar to other coronaviruses, even if, at the
moment, the percentage of severe cases is lower and the virus seems to spare children [12].
Global health system impact
The COVID-19 epidemic, as well as previous coronavirus epidemics, has already stressed health
care systems worldwide. Emergency systems, specifically Emergency Departments (ED), are
often the first access to local health care, especially for acute conditions. EDs are immediately
involved and increasingly affected by the outbreak and by people’s natural fear of this new
disease. Furthermore, this current epidemic has occurred during peak influenza season; that
and other seasonal viral infections are already responsible for ED overcrowding and increased
hospital admissions [13].
The nonspecific symptomology, the relatively long 2-week incubation period [14], and the
absence of rapid diagnostic tests force EDs to institute standard measures based solely on
clinical and epidemiological suspicion.
The 2003 SARS epidemic has provided crucial information about the transmission mode and
the role of the health care structures. A good example of this is the nosocomial outbreak
generated by a patient with respiratory symptoms admitted to an ED that caused a cluster of
128 cases, with half of the victims being health care professionals.
This example highlights the role of health care professionals and the importance of proper
systems and processes to prevent further spread of the virus [15,16].
Role for ED
Clinical care of suspected patients with COVID-19 should focus on early recognition, and
immediate isolation, as well as appropriate infection prevention measures and control (IPC)
measures with care taken to optimize supportive care.
Although the ED may be considered the logical direction for those affected by this epidemic, it
is often crowded with patients seeking care for other illnesses. Few official recommendations
have identified the roles of the ED and of EMS during outbreaks [17].
The most important actions should focus on limiting the spread of infection, identifying all
cases, and estimating disease severity.
Hospitals must have prepared and organised responses; in particular, EDs should prepare a
plan for rapid identification and strict isolation procedures. Recommendations are based on
previous coronavirus epidemics [17] and should include the following:
• An Informative, coordinated campaign for public and health professionals, focused on
mechanisms of contagion [4], personal protection equipment (PPE) use, and a clinical
pathway for the suspected COVID-19 patients.
• Development of a validated fast point-of-care diagnostic kit for early detection. A rapid
diagnostic test will facilitate patient management considerably.
• The identification and availability of isolated rooms, ideally with negative air pressure.
Due to the risk of the dissemination of droplets, providers must favour physical barriers
between patients.
• An additional supply of PPE and the implementation of strict internal discipline, with
different levels of protection according the setting [18,19].
• The development and implementation of cleaning protocols, considering that
coronavirus has been isolated on inanimate objects, and health care workers were
infected by SARS, even without direct contact with sick patients [15].
• Clinical management protocols must coordinate different services such as EMS, ICU,
infectious disease, pulmonary, administrative, and admission services.
Training should provide information about viral management, protective measures, and PPE
use. Simulation is highly recommended. All health professional including ally workers should
be included in training. Visual aids with the aim to immediately recognize potential cases
according to epidemiology, travel history, and clinical signs would also be useful.
Resource management is crucial regarding PPE and in the management of suspected cases,
since the isolation of these patients will increase the need of other medical equipment
Work force resources are also affected by isolating patients and a revaluation of the need of
professionals at all levels of the chain of care is needed. Special attention of declared sick leave
and other absences are vital during the outbreak period, since it is important not only to
eliminate the risk of an outbreak within the healthcare personnel, but also to guarantee
enough healthcare workers.
General measures to control infection during an outbreak are even more important; hand
hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and contact prevention measures are the base and should be
universally applied [17].
Access to the ED
Limit access to the ED to patients with severe symptoms (respiratory or other organ
compromises). Asymptomatic patients with an epidemiology that may indicate contagion
(travel to countries with known outbreaks or proximity to an infected patient), or patients with
mild symptoms should not be referred to the ED, but should seek advice and surveillance
through the family doctor and the prevention service of the territory.
Patients may be transported by the Prehospital Emergency Medical Service or arrive directly to
the ED, creating two scenarios.
1. Calling the Prehospital system
The patient, relative, or general practitioner may alert the emergency number indicating that a
potential case of SARS-CoV-2 infection with severe symptoms is seeking care. Other online
phone systems for health consultation should be used in non-severe cases.
The prehospital team will meet the patient wearing PPE, will evaluate the patient’s clinical
condition, analyse the risk whether family members or others who have been in contact are
potentially contaminated, and either organize transportation to the hospital or home isolation
of all the potentially infected people.
This recommended way of seeking assistance to the Health Care System will avoid unnecessary
and dangerous passage of an infected patient in the public area of the ED.
Pre-alerting the ED is recommended in order to facilitate preparation for patient management.
2. Patients going directly to the Emergency Department
In this case when the patient will be arriving at Triage, personnel need to immediately identify
a potential case of infection from Coronavirus, by evaluating the symptoms and
epidemiological data in the triage room [20,21]. Recognition and classification of the case
should be based on WHO criteria and evolution of the recommendations [22]. We recommend
the creation of specific triage areas for patients with acute respiratory infection criteria.
Potential case definition
A person with an acute respiratory infection (SARI) AND no other causes for the infection AND
at least one of the following:
• travel or stay in countries with known outbreak, or in one of the countries where the
virus has spread in the previous 14 days or
• the patient is a member of a medical team working on patients infected with
coronavirus or with a respiratory infection of an unknown cause or
• has worked with or has been in close contact with patients with respiratory infections
of unknown origin or of known SARS-CoV-2 origin in the previous 14 days.
Once identified as suspected case, the patient should wear a surgical mask. All suspected cases
should be located in a dedicated area to complete evaluation.
The suspected patients who will be sent to isolation wards or ICU, or transferred to a
dedicated centre ward, or isolated at home should remain in a specific isolated area,
minimizing movements and contact with other patients within the ER.
Recommendations for contacts as defined in the WHO documents are crucial to reduce the
possibility of transmission. Criteria for home or hospital isolation should be established [19].
Health Professionals PPE
PPE is intended to reduce the risk for health care workers and the risk of viral dissemination,
especially amongst other patients.
Policies should be decided by the health authorities and all centres should provide training
about the use and disposal of all substances. Recommendations need to be widely
disseminated [17]. Special attention should be applied when removing PPE. The operation
should be controlled by a trained assistant, who can immediately address any breaches in
The procedure should include psychological support to protect the health care workforce that
from stress due to the PPE burden and the fear of contamination. More frequent rest breaks
are needed, as is planning for beverages, food, and comfort for these professionals. Emotional
support due fear of transmission should be managed through educational sessions.
Engineering measures
Suspected cases should be isolated, with minimization of movement in the ED, radiology,
bathrooms, or other parts of the facility. Combining multiple potential infected cases into a
group is an acceptable measure. Maintaining a security distance of 1 metre to reduce droplet
transmission is necessary, unless the healthcare professionals are wearing the appropriate
PPE. The area where patients are to be treated should maintain a negative air pressure.
Structure permitting, adequate ventilation should be increased in all the areas.
Trash management and cleaning personnel will have an increased workload due to the
discharged PPE materials and extra cleaning protocols of contaminated areas. It is reasonable
to reduce the number of visitors, or co-operators or any unnecessary transit in this area.
Biological samples from suspected infectious patients should be treated as high risk biological
Uncertainties regarding the transmission and management of COVID-19 require very careful
follow up of the Coronavirus epidemic. Emergency Medicine should play a fundamental role
not only in the management, but also in the rapid identification of and as an aid for
surveillance and dissemination control of COVID-19.
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