Cizí jazyk - Anglický jazyk 1 PAANJ11111/B2, ZZANJ11111/B2 Mgr. Kateřina Pecinová @anglickyanglicky How to get the credit? 1) 80% attendance 2) presentation 3) interview Introduction What are some different hospital departments? Why is it important to know what different departments do? 1. 2. Discuss these questions in pairs: Guess the correct word A(n) _________ observes and treats pregnant women until they give birth Parents often take a long time to choose their child's _________. For small problems like a cold, see a(n) ______ instead of specialist. 1. 2. 3. pediatrician - general practicioner - obstetrician Read the sentence and choose the correct word. The RADIOLOGIST has prepared the X-rays. The PEDIATRICIAN is checking on the three-year-old. A great CARDIOLOGIST treated me after my heart attack. The OBSTETRICIAN says the baby is doing fine. Dr. Brown is a famous transplant SURGEON. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Listening DOCTOR: Well, Mary, other than rash, you're IN GREAT HEALTH. PATIENT: OK, Doctor. What should I DO ABOUT it? DOCTOR: I want you to go to dermatology. Make an appointment for them to LOOK AT it. PATIENT: Where is the department? DOCTOR: It's ON THE THIRD FLOOR. Turn right when you pass the RADIOLOGY department. PATIENT: Great. I'll head up there now. DOCTOR: But first, you should refill your prescription at the PHARMACY. PATIENT: The pharmacy is downstairs, right? DOCTOR: Yes, next to the emergency room. Listen again and complete the conversation. Speaking With a partner, act out the roles below. Then switch roles. Answers: pediatrics - he hospital department that specializes in the treatment of children orthopedics - the hospital department that specializes in the treatment of bones and muscles cardiology - the hospital department that specializes in the treatment of the heart and heart diseases dermatology - the hospital department that specializes in the treatment of the skin and skin diseases obstetrics - the hospital department that treats women and unborn children during pregnancy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Andrew's son is sick, so he takes him to the (department that deals with the care of children) PEDIATRICS The patient needs medicine so he goes to the (place where trained people distribute pharmaceutical drugs) PHARMACY Employees in (the department that studies and diagnoses diseases) must wear gloves and goggles. PATHOLOGY Doctors in (a medical field that uses instruments to operate on patients) need very steady hands. SURGERY Saul works on an ambulance, so he sees plenty or (situations in which someone's life is in danger) EMERGENCIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Listening PATIENT: Excuse me, nurse? This is the cardiology DEPARTMENT, isn't it? NURSE: Well, usually it is. But the hospital is under CONSTRUCTION right now, so some departments are in different places. PATIENT: Oh, So where can I find CARDIOLOGY? NURSE: It's in the BASEMENT now. Across from radiology and pathology. PATIENT: Oh, good. I don't want to miss my APPOINTMENT with my cardiologist. NURSE: Do you need directions to get there? PATIENT: I think so. NURSE: Take the ELEVATOR down to the basement level. Cardiology is to the right. Speaking Rooms and equipment Discuss with your partner What equipment can you find in a hospital room? What are the different kinds of equipment used for? Rooms and equipment Name these pictures wheelchair biohazard waste container oxygen tank alternating pressure mattress syringe call button gauze latex gloves hospital gown sharps container Speaking With a partner, act out the roles below. Then, switch roles. Listening NURSE: Hi, Mr. Reynolds. What seems to be wrong? PATIENT: I fell down the stairs. My LEG really hurts. NURSE: I'm checking for a break. Tell me if it hurst, when I touch your leg. PATIENT: Okay ... Ow! Right there. NURSE: Yeah, there's a BUMP and some swelling. I'm going to ELEVATE your legs. PATIENT: MyARM hurt, too. Just above the WRIST. NURSE: Yes, there's a BRUISE forming. Is it too sore to move? PATIENT: No, I can move it. But it hurts when I do. Complete the conversation. Speaking Act out the conversation with your partner.