Cizí jazyk - Anglický jazyk 1 VSANJ11111/B2 Mgr. Kateřina Pecinová @anglickyanglicky How to get the credit? 1) 80% attendance 2) presentation 3) interview Introduction Name some healthcare jobs and discuss what they are responsible for. Which employees with with midwives / paramedics most often? 1. 2. Discuss these questions in pairs: Answers: lab technician - a person who analyses samples surgeon - a person who cuts open the body in operations anaesthesiologist - a person who prevents patients from feeling the pain pharmacist - a person who prepares drugs and medicine radiologist - a person who uses imagining technology receptionist - a person who welcomes visitors and asnwers phones cardiologist - a heart specialist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Guess the correct word A(n) _________ observes and treats pregnant women until they give birth Parents often take a long time to choose their child's _________. For small problems like a cold, see a(n) ______ instead of specialist. 1. 2. 3. pediatrician - general practicioner - obstetrician Listening NURSE: Excuse me, Dr. Beverly? Hi, I'm Mark. I'm a new NURSE here. OBSTETRICIAN: Hey, Mark. What can I do for you? NURSE: I have these X-RAYS for Dr. Cho's patient. He wants Dr. Fabrizzio to take a look at them. OBSTETRICIAN: The RADIOLOGIST? He's on the first floor somewhere. NURSE: Do you happen to know the actual ROOM NUMBER? OBSTETRICIAN: No, but the RECEPTIONIST in the lobby will. NURSE: Okay. This HOSPITAL is so confusing! OBSTETRICIAN: I know the feeling. You'll get used to it. Listen again and complete the conversation. Speaking With a partner, act out the roles below. Then switch roles. What services do patients get in different hospital departments? Which hospital departments need nurses the most? 1. 2. Hospital departments Discuss these questions. Vocabulary Andrew's son is sick, so he takes him to the (department that deals with the care of children) PEDIATRICS The patient needs medicine so he goes to the (place where trained people distribute pharmaceutical drugs) PHARMACY Employees in (the department that studies and diagnoses diseases) must wear gloves and goggles. PATHOLOGY Doctors in (a medical field that uses instruments to operate on patients) need very steady hands. SURGERY Saul works on an ambulance, so he sees plenty or (situations in which someone's life is in danger) EMERGENCIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Listening PATIENT: Excuse me, nurse? This is the cardiology DEPARTMENT, isn't it? NURSE: Well, usually it is. But the hospital is under CONSTRUCTION right now, so some departments are in different places. PATIENT: Oh, So where can I find CARDIOLOGY? NURSE: It's in the BASEMENT now. Across from radiology and pathology. PATIENT: Oh, good. I don't want to miss my APPOINTMENT with my cardiologist. NURSE: Do you need directions to get there? PATIENT: I think so. NURSE: Take the ELEVATOR down to the basement level. Cardiology is to the right. Speaking Rooms and equipment Discuss with your partner What equipment can you find in a hospital room? What are the different kinds of equipment used for? Rooms and equipment Name these pictures wheelchair biohazard waste container oxygen tank alternating pressure mattress syringe call button gauze latex gloves hospital gown sharps container Speaking With a partner, act out the roles below. Then, switch roles.