Cizí jazyk - Anglický jazyk 3 ZZANJ12313/B2 Mgr. Kateřina Pecinová How to get the credit? 1) 80% attendance 2) presentation 3) interviews The role of paramedic When do paramedics appear on the scene? What is their role? What is expected of them? What personality features should a paramedic have? 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss these questions in pairs: The role of paramedic Who is a FIRST RESPONDER? What is a system that provides emergency medical care called? What is a place within a hospital that handles urgent health care situations called? What is a branch of medicine that is practiced by people who are not physicians called? 1. 2. 3. 4. Using your phone answer these questions. The role of paramedic Watch the video and answer these questions: One of the job responsibilities of the dispatcher is to: The emergency crew brainstorm on the nature of the call: Family members and bystanders: Patient's signs refer to: Diagnosis tests influence: A) inquire about the exact nature of the emergency B) report to the paramedics about the equipment that might be needed A) while they're on the ambulance B) upon arriving at the scene A) are told to leave the incident scene B) are interviewed by the EMS staff A) whatever that patient is experiencing B) whatever paramedics see when they asses the patient A) the type of hospital the patient will be sent to B) how the patient will be tranferred into the ambulance One of the job responsibilities of the dispatcher is to: The emergency crew brainstorm on the nature of the call: Family members and bystanders: Patient's signs refer to: Diagnosis tests influence: The role of paramedic Watch the video and answer these questions: A) inquire about the exact nature of the emergency B) report to the paramedics about the equipment that might be needed A) while they're on the ambulance B) upon arriving at the scene A) are told to leave the incident scene B) are interviewed by the EMS staff A) whatever that patient is experiencing B) whatever paramedics see when they asses the patient A) the type of hospital the patient will be sent to B) how the patient will be tranferred into the ambulance A: It's good to meet you Ms. Woods. ________________ B: I started working in a hospital several years ago. A: ______________________ B: Yes, I developed health care plans there. A: _______________________ B: That's right. As a result, I know how to ensure coordinated care between different groups of medical workers. A: That's certainly an important skill. _____________________ B: That's fine. I'm eager to join the team! The role of paramedic Complete the conversation with the phrases: So, you're familiar with paramedicine and hospital care. So, tell me about your work experience. That was for the Spencer county EMS, right? Our ER is small, but we handle diverse calls. The role of paramedic Take roles and act the conversation out. The human body On Wednesday, a structure collapsed at the Tenth Street building project. Two people were inside. One worker was on the ground floor during the collapse. Falling debris caused abrasions to his head and shoulders. Paramedics treated lacerations to his face and neck. Also, a heavy object fell on his arm. This strained his elbow and broke his wrist. However, his hand and fingers were unharmed. The other worker was on the second floor. The fall mostly affected her torso. Paramedics treated a severe trauma to her back and chest. Then, they transported her to the hospital for a punctured abdomen. So far, the cause of the collapse is unknown. Major Collapse at Construction Site The human body Major Collapse at Construction Site What is the article mostly about? a) the best methods for treating common injuries b) the most likely injuries in a particular situation c)the importance of learning about upper body injuries d) the injuries that people sustained in an accident Which part of the first worker's body was NOT injured? a) his fingers b) his wrist c) his face d) his elbow What injury required treatment at the hospital? a) facial lacerations b) a punctured abdomen c) shoulder abrasions d) a strained elbow A: How do you feel, Ms. Graham? Did you sustain any injuries in the accident? B: Um, my arm really hurts. I can barely move. A:Where does it hurt? Around your elbow? B: No, the pain is higher than that. It's up near my shoulder. A: Hm, there might be some torn cartilage. Do you feel pain anywhere else? How about your lower arm? B: No, everything else is OK. My wrist and hand are moving fine. A: OK, let's get you to the hospital for that shoulder. The human body Complete the conversation with the phrases: A: How do feel? Did you sustain any injuries in the accident? B: _______________________ I can barely sit up straight. A: Where does it hurt? Around your chest? B: ______________________________ It’s down near my abdomen. A: There might be a ruptured organ. Do you feel pain anywhere else? How about your lower back? B: _________________________ I think it’s just my abdomen. A: Let’s get you to the hospital for some scans. The human body Complete the conversation with the phrases: My torso really hurts. No, the pain is lower than that. No, everything else is fine. The human body Take roles and act the conversation out. The human body Fill in the information into the report DOCTOR: Okay, what do we have? PARAMEDIC: The patient is a thirty-year-old male. An industrial machine trapped his foot. DOCTOR: I'm guessing that there are severe lacerations. PARAMEDIC: Yes, especially around the toes. There's also evidence of a fracture. DOCTOR: Is that in the foot itself? PARAMEDIC: Yes, partly. But I also saw indications of an ankle fracture. DOCTOR: You splinted the area, right? PARAMEDIC: Yes, I did. I made sure that his lower leg is totally immobile. DOCTOR: Good. Well, let's bring him in here. The human body Complete the conversation with the phrases: A: ____________________ B: The patient is a thirty-year-old male. An auto accident impacted his right leg. A: ____________________ B: Yes, especially around the shin. There’s also severe bruising. A: _____________________ B: Partly. But I also saw evidence of hematoma on the upper thigh. But there’s no external bleeding. A: ______________________ B: Yes, I made sure that his whole leg is immobile. A: _______________________ The human body Complete the conversation with the phrases: That's around the calf and shin? Good. Let's bring him in here. What do we have? You splinted the area, right? I'm guessing that there are possible fractures. The human body Take roles and act the conversation out. The human body Fill in the information into the report The musculoskeletal System Choose a term and explain it to your partner: SPINE - JOINTS - SKELETON MUSCLE - LIGAMENT - CRANIUM TENDOR - CARTILAGE - FASCIA CONNECTIVE TISSUES - BONES