9. Vyjadřování minulosti - shrnutí Uroven A volba mezi minulým časem prostým a průběhovým (1-11) Úroveň B volba mezi předpřítomným časem a minulým časem (12-18) Úroveň C volba mezi minulým prostým časem a vazbou used i (19); volba mezi předpřítomným a minulým časem (20-24); minulý a předminulý čas (25); příklady kombinující čas minulý, předpřítomný, předminulý a vazbu used to (26-27) Poznámka. Příklady časové souslednosti viz 11. kapitola Časová souslednost. Úroveň A 1. Prostý, nebo průběhový? Vyberte nejpravděpodobnější variantu. a) What time did your train arrive I was your train arrivingyesterday? b) Why weren't you trying/ didn't you try speaking English with him? c) Suddenly she saw I was seeingTom. He was buying/ bought a. newspaper at the other end of the shop. d) What did you watch / were you watching when the phone rang/ was ringing. e) I broke / was breaking my watch while I was playing football. f) When were you starting/ did you start learning Polish? g) I couldn't understand what he was trying I tried to say. h) How many types of biscuit did you bake I were you baking this Christmas? i) At midnight I was still studying I'stillstudied for the next day's test. j) It was a hot afternoon, so after lunch we went I were going for a walk in the woods. 2. Minulý čas prostý, nebo průběhový? Doplňte slovesa v závorkách ve správném tvaru. a) When I_(look) out of the window it_(snow) again. b) It_(happen) several times in just one week. c) When we_:_(see) her again she_(expect) another baby. d) _he_(not play) the guitar as a boy? e)_______________ anyone_(see) you do it? f) I_ (not phone) you. g) Before they_ children. h) Who_ (cook and clean) all day yesterday. That's why I_ _(leave) Paris they_(buy) souvenirs for all the i) I'm sorry. It. j) He_ (give) you these flowers, darling? ___(break) while I_ (take) another cake when she (use) it. _(not look). 3. Která vět z dvojice nejlépe vystihuje situaci na obrázku? a) (i) What did you do at three o'clock this morning? (ii) What were you doing at three o'clock this morning? b) (i) Why didn't you study more? c) (i) What did you read? (ii) Why weren't you studying (ii) What were you reading? more? volba mezi minulým časem prostým a průběhovým (1-3) 9. Vyjadřování minulosti - shrnutí d) (i) He closed the door and left. (ii) He closed the door and was leaving. e) (i) Didn't she play that beautifully? (ii) Wasn't she playing that beautifully? 4. Minulý čas prostý, nebo průběhový? Doplňte slovesa ve správném tvaru. not/answer borrow buy have not/know live look for say sit write a) We_lunch when the Hendersons arrived. b) He_several books about his life in India. c) One year ago she_a new job and now she's a company manager. d) Why _______ e) The guidebook_ f) This time last year we. g) How much money_ h) What_ i) Mozart_ j) She_ you you you it if you don't like the colour? any of our questions. _on a beach in Spain. ___ from them? _ when they took this photo? in the 18th century. what to say. 5. Minulý čas prostý, nebo průběhový? Přeložte a doplňte sloveso v nejpravděpodobnějším tvaru. a) Why_you_(nepoprosil) for help? - But I_(nepotřeboval) any help. b) They_(SLAVILl) Carl's new job when I ___________ (přišel). c) And then another man (vySel) out of the house. He . (nesl) a large box. d) How many times e) When I_ Gavin (byla) there already, f) The last time I_ _(volal) you last week? (vesel) into the classroom the teacher _(vtdel) them they_ to move to Warsaw. g) Beth_ h) He_ _ (neměla) time to go out to lunch with me yesterday. (jel autem) to work when he_______ (plánovali) _ (slyšel) it on the radio, i) When Andy first. (setkal se) Claire she , (studovala) medicine. j) L (potkal) Andrew at the bookshop. He (hledal) a present for his girlfriend. 6. Poslouchejte otázky a odpovídejte podle nápovědí. Rozhodujte se mezi minulým časem prostým a průběhovým. Vzor: (nahrávka: Why didn't you go out?) - it/rain > It was raining. a) he/speak/too fast f) Mum/listen/radio b) she/work g) his parents/lend/him c) the old one/stop/work h) I/have/bath d) I/guess i) she/not wear/anything e) I/forget j) we/get lost/on/way 110 volba mezi minulým časem prostým a průběhovým {4-6} 9. Vyjadřování minulosti - shrnutí CD2/9 a) Why didn't you understand him? f) Why didn't you do yout piano practice this morning? b) Why didn't you take her out to dinner? g) Where did he find the money for such an expensive car? c) Why did you buy a new kettle? h) Why didn't you answer the telephone? d) How did you know the answer to that? i) Why did Natasha scream when you walked into the room? e) Why didn't you send him a birthday card? j) Why didn't you come to the party? 7. Přeložte. Volte mezi minulým časem prostým a průběhovým. a) Kdy se to stalo? - Když jsem na tebe čekal před kavárnou. b) Stálo nás to hodně času a peněz, ale jsme s tím spokojeni. c) Měl na sobě [užijte wear] dlouhý černý kabát a vypadal moc vážně. d) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni už na mne čekali. e) Pak se najednou probudila. Někdo stál u postele. f) Šel jsem kolem pošty, když jsem potkal pana Reevese. g) Nikdo nechtěl jít ven. Sněžilo a foukal silný vítr. h) Kam jeli letos na dovolenou? ~ Nejeli nikam. Neměli dost peněz, takže zůstali doma. i) Našel jsem ho ve své kanceláři. Četl mé e-maily. j) Včera jsem v knihovně viděl Rachel, ale nemluvili jsme spolu. S někým si už povídala. 8. Která věta v každé dvojici je možná? Nebo jsou možné obě? a) 1. At 7pm I had my dinner, x 2. At 7pm I was having my dinner, flit] J2n^[both] b) 1. She knew what she was doing, x 2. She was knowing what she was doing. [Tšt] [2nd][both) c) 1. He put his newspaper away when I walked into the room, x 2. He was putting his newspaper away when I walked into the room. [1st](2nd] [both] d) 1. I thought about it for ages, x 2. I was thinking about it for ages, fist](2nd](both) e) 1. The dress didn't suit her at all. x 2. The dress wasn't suiting her at all. [1st] (2nd) (both) f) 1. What did he say? x 2. What was he saying? (l^l(2nd)[boA) g) 1. What happened? x 2. What was happening? (1st](2nd) (both) h) 1. Did it rain? x 2. Was it raining? ^(^(b^th) i) 1. The dinner smelt lovely, x 2. The dinner was smelling lovely. (1st] (2nd) (both| j) 1. But we had so much fun. x 2. But we were having so much fun. [1st](2nd)[both] 9. Minulý čas prostý a průběhový. Vysvětlete rozdíl ve významu mezi větami v každé dvojici, a) They were buying a cottage, x They bought a cottage. b) They were staying with us. x They stayed with us. c) No one was answering the phone, x No one answered the phone. d) The film was starting, x The film started. e) He was borrowing the money from a friend, x He borrowed the money from a friend. f) She was getting something to eat. x She got something to eat. g) The situation was changing fast, x The situation changed fast. 9. Vyjadřování minulosti - shrnutí 10. Přepište tento krátký text do minulého času. Bude nutné změnit vše, co je vytištěno tučně. Dear Diary, I'm not going anywhere tonight. I just don't want to. Everyone else is going to the pub, but I've decided to stay at home. Firstly, we always go to the pub and I'm tired of it. I don't want to sit in a room full of smoke and noise for the third time this week. Secondly, I haven't got anything to wear. Nothing that's clean, anyway. Thirdly, I'm still feeling cross with Tony and I certainly don't feel like meeting his new girlfriend. So I'm staying in and watching a film on the telly instead. I'll eat most of that half-kilo box of chocolates from Aunty Linda while I'm watching, but never mind. Think of all the money I'll save... 11. Prostý, nebo průběhový? Doplňte sloveso v závorkách ve správném minulém tvaru. police officer strážník; suspect podezřelá osoba; fear strach; shepherd ovčák; sheep ovce; accompany doprovodit police officer: Good evening. I'd like to ask what you_(do) at around half past eleven last night, Mr Rustle. suspect: Last night? Well, I_(spend) the evening in Cromwell, Officer... ! (you/do) there, if I may ask? police officer: Cromwell. What_ suspect: I _____ (watch) a film at the village cinema. Fear on the Farm. police officer: Fear on the Farm. I see. And when_(that/finish)? suspect: Oh, about a quarter past nine, I suppose. Then I_(miss) the nine-thirty bus home, and as the next one_(not leave) for another half an hour and it_(rain) I_(go) to the Dog and Duck for a glass or two... police officer: Of what, sir, might I ask? suspect: Of Shepherd's Special, Officer. police officer: Shepherd's Special. Interesting. And how long. Rustle? suspect: Unfortunately I_(stay) longer than I_(plan) to. Just as I_(leave) to get the (you/stay) at the Dog and Duck, Mr ten o'clock bus two old friends . didn't notice how the time_ after eleven. (arrive) and we. (fly), and when I _(start) talking about our school days. I (look) at my watch again it_(be) just (you/get) home, sir? Some time around midnight, I expect? police officer: I see. And when . suspect: Midnight? Oh, I_ police officer:_(count) sheep, eh? Very interesting. Perhaps you wouldn't mind accompanying me to the station, Mr Rustle... (count) sheep by then, Officer. Úroveň B 12. Čas předpřítomný, nebo minulý? Vyberte ke každému obrázku správný komentář. a) (i) He had 11 children, (ii) He's had 11 children. b) (i) How long is he asleep? (ii) How long has he been asleep? o) (i) How have you played? (ii) How did you play? 114 volba mezi minulým časem prostým a průběhovým (10-11); volba mezi časem, předpřítomným a minulým (12) 9. Vyjadřování minulosti - shrnutí d) (i) Have you lost something? e) (i) But have you done your f) (i) But we didn't pay yet! (ii) Did you lose something? homework? (ii) But we haven't paid yet! (ii) But did you do your homework? 13. Cas předpřítomný, nebo minulý? Zakroužkujte správnou variantu. a) But Shakespeare didn 't write I hasn 't written only plays. b) Joe didn 't write I hasn 't written for ages. I hope he's alright. c) We're working! We've been working on this project since March. d) What time did you work I have you worked until last night? e) What did you wear I have you worn for the wedding? f) But / never wore I I've never worn a skirt and I'm certainly not going to now. g) This is the most stupid programme / ever saw I I've ever seen. h) Did you hear I Have you heard the news last night? i) What time did you wake up I have you woken up this morning? j) Ivan didn't wake up I hasn't woken up yet. k) Sorry. What did you want I have you wanted to say? 1) / never wanted I I've never wantedany job as much as I want this one. I really hope I get it. m) You didn't read I You haven't read Grandmother? You don't know what you're missing! n) Did you read! Have you read Grandmother when you were at school? o) I'm sorry I didn't ring I haven't rung yesterday. / left I I've left my phone at home. p) But I can't call you later. / lost I I've lost my phone. 14. Doplňte sloveso v závorkách ve správném tvaru. Rozhodujte se mezi časem předpřítomným a minulým, případně jejich průběhovými variantami. Užívejte pokud možno stažené tvary. a) Why don't you just go to bed? You_(yawn) here all evening. b) Great! I_(just speak) to Mr Braine. He_ _(decide) to accept our offer. _f__(be) interested in Greek history since his childhood. c) He_ d) I could hear voices but I (not listen) to what they (say). e) How was Jack's party? - Wonderful. I'm really glad I f) Could you say that again, please? I_ g) Look! I_ h) Geoff_ (go). (not understand). _ (find) my watch. (sleep) in the living room since his wife (start) snoring. i) I, j) I_■_ k) The same thing_ 1) I don't know if Harry_ m) What a lovely present! I. n) Is that really what she_ (think) about it for days and I'm less sure now than I. (be) in the first place. _(remember) their advice, but not until it was too late. _(happen) several times last month. _(stay) till the end of the speeches. _(need) new socks for ages. (say)?! I'm sure she . (mean) it. o) The company. (work) on the building for six months and it's still not finished. 116 volba mezi casern předpřítomným a minulým (12-14)