MINULÝ PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS (PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE) Tvoří se následovně: PODMĚT + SLOVESO TO BE V MINULÉM ČASE + PŘÍČESTÍ PŘÍTOMNÉ ČINNÉ VÝZNAMOVÉHO SLOVESA PODMĚT + WAS, WERE + HOLÝ NEURČITEK VÝZNAMOVÉHO SLOVESA + ING Otázku tvoříme jako u samostatného slovesa „TO BE“ obrácením slovosledu a zápor přidáním „NOT“. I was reading was I reading? I wasn’t reading you were reading were you reading? you weren’t reading he was reading was he reading? he wasn’t reading we were reading were we reading? we weren’t reading you were reading were you reading? you weren’t reading they were reading were they reading? they weren’t reading PRŮBĚHOVÝ MINULÝ ČAS SE POUŽÍVÁ: a) Když současně probíhaly při sobě dva paralelní děje, které trvaly stejně dlouho a oba byly vnímány jako proces: - I was reading and they were watching TV. - She was cooking while he was sleeping. - They were looking at John when he was playing tennis. b) Když minulý ukončený děj trval určitou dobu: - I was reading for some time. - He was cleaning his shoes for a half of an hour. - They were sitting here for two hours. - Were you writing that letter for an hour? - I wasn’t working for five hours on Monday. c) Když popisovaný děj probíhal v minulosti v přesně určeném okamihu: - I was reading at three yesterday. - They were still sitting here at the midnight. - My brothers were playing football at five yesterday. d) Když děj vyjádřený průběhovým minulým časem tvoří rámec pro jiný krátkodobý děj vyjádřený prostým minulým časem: - I was reading a book when he came. - He came when I was reading a book. - We were working in the garden when it started to rain.