PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Přítomný prostý čas ípresent - přítomný Is/mp/e -jednoduchý, prostý USE 1) repeated actions I play tennis. 2) generalized facts Cats like milk. 3) scheduled events in near future The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. iuse - použiti I action - akce Irepeaf - opakovat se I generalize - zobecnit hchedule - časový plám In ear- blízký, blízko \future - budoucnost leave - odejít, odjet, opustit tonight - dnes večer 1 Big Ben 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Signal words adverbs always vždy, stále ever vždy every morning, evening, year etc. - adverb of time) každé ráno, večer, rok atd. - příslovce času often často usually sometimes hardly ever seldom never obvykle někdy málokdy zřídka nikdy hdverb - příslovce Houses of Parliament FORM - AFFIRMATIVE Infinitiv without to (e. g. to work -> work) I work I watch you work he works she works it works we work you work they work you watch he watches she watches it watches we watch you watch they watch bvithout - bez ]e. g. - napr. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES Position of adverbs • She always gets up early. • I sometimes miss the social life. • He seldom comes home. BUT - verb to be • She is often in Prag. • I am usually very tired. affirmative - oznamovací adverb - příslovce tired - unavený AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES Helena často chodí do kina. often Helen often goes to the cinema. Chodíme někdy o víkendu plavat, sometimes We sometimes go swimming at the weekend. Jsou vždy ráno doma. always They are always at home in the morning. John se nikdy večer neučí. never John never learns in the evening. bffirmative - oznamovací adverb - příslovce pred - unavený Royal Air Force Memorial (Charing Cross Bridge) FORM - NEGATIVE It is necessary to use an auxi I do not (don't) work you do not (don't) work he does not (doesn't) work she does not (doesn't) work it does not (doesn't) work we do not (don't) work you do not (don't) work they do not (don't) work liary verb DO nepracuji nepracuješ (on) nepracuje (ona) nepracuje (ono) nepracuje, nefunguje nepracujeme nepracujete nepracují necessary - nezbytné i auxiliary - pomocný, pomocné] FORM - NEGATIVE • we have two forms: I, you, we, they do not (don't) he, she, it does not (doesn't) NEGATIVE SENTENCES Helena nechodí často do kina. Helen doesn't often go to the cinema. Nechodíme o víkendu plavat. We don't go swimming at the weekend. Nepracují večer. They don't work in the evening. John se nikdy večer neučí. John never learns in the evening. Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament (London Eye) 13 FORM - QUESTION It is necessary to use an auxiliary verb DO Do I work? pracuji? Do you work? pracujes? Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work? pracuje? (ona) pracuje? (ono) pracuje, funguje? pracujeme? pracujete? pracují? hecessary - nezbytné auxiliary - pomocný, pomocnM INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES Chodí Helena často do kina? Does Helen often go to the cinema? Co děláte o víkendech? What do you do at the weekends? Pracuje také večer? Does he work also in the evening? Učíš se každý den? Do you learn every day? interrogative - tázací sentence - věta INTERROGATIVE, NEGATIVE SENTENCES to be Jsi doma? Are you at home? Ne, nejsem. No, I am not (I'm not). Jsou o víkendu na chatě? Are they at the cottage at (over) the weekend? Ne, nejsou. No, they aren't. Je dnes v posilovně? Is he in the gym today? Ne, není. No, he isn't. Nejsou tento měsíc pryč? Aren't they away this year? interrogative - tázací pen fence - věta fottage - chata \away - pryč INTERROGATIVE, NEGATIVE SENTENCES to have Kde máš auto? Where have you got your car? BrE Where do you have your car? AmE Má dnes hodně práce? Has he a lot of work today? BrE Does he have a lot of work today? AmE Nemáme mnoho úkolů. We haven't much homework. BrE We don't have much homework. AmE Mají lístky do kina? Have they got cinema tickets? BrE Do they have cinema tickets? AmE Učíš se každý den? Do you learn every day? interrogative - tázací sentence - věta cottage - chata away - pryč