pronikání molekul rozpouštědla z méně koncentrovaného roztoku do roztoku koncentrovanějšího outcome /'aut.kAm/ výsledek, výsledek čeho, jak věc dopadne, závěr palliative /'pael.i.a.tiv/ paliativní, utišující, bolest zmírňující peers /piarz/ vrstevníci permissible /p9' přípustný, dovolený permit /pa'mit/ povolit, dovolit pooling /puil.irj/ nahromadění krve nebo jiné tekutiny, nahromadění krve je následkem dilatace a zastavení oběhu v kapilárách a žilách v oblasti possession /pa'ze/.9n/ majetek, vlastnictví posttraumatic / posttraumatický, poúraz /ý precede /prťsiid/ předch i X < o\ preserve /prťz3:v/ zachoval, ui_novai rape /reip/ znásilnit, znásilnění reasonable /' / přijatelný, rozumný refusal /n'fju :i 'o ,n nu regional /'rn.d39n.9l/ regionální, týkající se dané oblasti right /rait/ právo scope /skaup/ rozsah solvent /'sol.vsnt/ ředidlo, rozpouštědlo spouse /spaos/ choť, manžel/ka standing /staend.irj/ order /'Dids/ trvalý příkaz statute /'staetjuit/ zákon, předpis steady /'sted.i/ stálý survivor /sa'vai.var/ přeživší, pozůstalý take /teik/ time /taim/ trvat, věnovat čas turn out /'t3in,aut/ zahnout ven, naruby, projevit se upgrade Mp'greid/ zlepšit, stoupnout, zvýšení valid /'vaelid/ platný, oprávněný vent /vent/ ventilovat, otvor, průduch Volume 2 Unit 1 1 You are called for a 55-year-old man w "suddenly collapsed." He is__________ Initial management of this patient' airway should include. - Insertion of an s oropharyngeal airway and ventilation with !f bag-valve mask. * | An apnoeic and pulse less patient is unlikely to have an intact gag reflex, .s| _____________an OPA to help control the | _____________A BVM will need at least 10 | Lpm of oxygen flow in order to adequately; _________the patient during ventilations. oy 3 iate, apnoeic and pulse less, upper ai vav, necessitating 2 fou re-pond to a college fraternity where 'Oi sr oi te a 9- ear-old male with a : Dai al c str ct. J ^'rway. According to witnesses, he pizza and drinking beer when he began to________ ____his throat. The patient is able to speak in a_____________only, and he has been coughing repeatedly for about 20 minutes. What is the best treatment for this patient? - Remove the___________with forceps.* A conscious patient with a partial obstructed airway should be dealt with by _________________and continuous monitoring of patient status. Interventions like Heimlich manoeuvre are considered counterproductive, as they may actually ______the obstruction. To perform a needle cricothyrotomy you should place the patient: supine with head and neck hyperextended.* anatomical structure. hoarse whisper, hyperextended position, worsen, identified, obstruction, cough and grab, encouraging coughing 3 Your patient is a 26-year-old male with a midshaft_____________and no other apparent injuries. The patient is_____and oriented, and all vital signs are normal. The best way to__________this fracture is to use: the PASG/MAST a long spine board * a traction splint. * f> a softly padded board In a stable patient, the PASG is I unnecessary. The long board will not ^adequately immobilize this injury because Ithe muscles of the leg will_____and |_______the leg. A padded board may not provide adequate traction to prevent 'muscle spasms either, so the_______ _______is the best choice. shorten, immobilize, femur fracture, spasm, alert I A 16-year-old male complains of a fever, sore neck, nausea, vomiting, and headache. During transport, he begins to have a ^______Which of the following would be Jfpur most likely field impression? ftv _____abscess m |§ cerebral________ ||t meningitis * m sepsis ÉÉhile the other answers are possible, flpsed upon the fever, vomiting, and seizure, neoplasm, meningitis, Brain 5 Your patient is a 24-year-old female who shows signs and symptoms of pelvic What is the goal of_______________ for this patient? - Make the patient as comfortable as possible and transport to the hospital. * The goal of prehospital care for patients with PID is to______________. There is no need to perform a___________or ask any questions regarding sexual contacts. provide comfort, inflammatory disease, vaginal exam, prehospital care 6 You respond to a 22-year-old male who is complaining of__________of chest pain. The patient states that the pain________ and sharp and that it started when he surfaced from a_________from 60 feet (18.2 metres) down. The patient's diving partner states that the patient________too rapidly. What is this patient most likely suffering from? - Pulmonary embolism. * A too rapid ascent from a scuba dive may result in a pulmonary embolism due to lung---------____. What does treatment for this patient consist of? - IV, high-flow oxygen, and rapid transport to a recompression chamber. * An IV, 100% oxygen via a nonrebreather mask, and transport to a_____________ _______are essential for this patient. Due to his rapid ascent, this patient may also be suffering from another diving related emergency: decompression sickness.* Due to the_____of the dive and the rapid ascent, this patient may also be suffering from_____________________. What is an additional possible problem associated with this injury? -Nitrogen bubbles entering tissue spaces and smaller blood vessels. * scuba dive, rapid onset, is tearing, decompression sickness, cyanotic, depth, surfaced, overinflation, recompression chamber 7 Your patient is a 28-year-old diver who has been using scuba equipment. His diving partner states that he was unconscious when he surfaced after_____. You should suspect: air embolism. * ___________presents as____________ _______(including unconsciousness) during or after______from a dive, or as a sharp pain in the chest. Due to his rapid ascent, this patient may also be_____________another diving related emergency: decompression sickness. * Due to the depth of the dive and the rapid ascent, this patient may also be suffering from decompression sickness. What is an additional possible problem associated with this injury? - Nitrogen bubbles entering____________ and smaller blood vessels.* In this patient, nitrogen__________may have entered tissue spaces and blood vessels. a dive, tissue spaces, Air embolism, ascent, suffering from, gas bubbles, neurological deficit 8 This statement about care of a near-drowning ______is correct: The patient should be admitted to the hospital for observation.* Due to the chance of post event pulmonary oedema, all___-________victims should be admitted to the hospital for___________. victim, near-drowning, observation 9 Your patient is a 23-year-old man who complains of abdominal pain. The patient states that the pain began________and was originally located only in the area around the__________Now, however, it has moved to the__________quadrant. The patient also complains of nausea and vomiting, and he has a fever of 102 °F (38.8 °C). Examination displays rebound What would you suspect? -Apendicitis. * tenderness, right lower, suddenly, umbilicus 10 A patient suspected of having an_________ aortic aneurysm will receive oxygen, an IV, ECG monitoring, and rapid transport as part of his or her treatment. What else should you do when treating such a patient?_____the PASC/MAST garment. * Treat the patient for shock and transport rapidly. Do not_______the abdomen. This is one of the few medical conditions that may still benefit from the use of PASC/MAST as the garment may tamponade any________that may be occuring.___________which stimulate the cardiovascular system should be avoided. Medications, bleeding, palpate, Apply, abdominal 11 A 42-year-old male complains of sudden, intense pain that is centered in his_____ ____. He is____,____, and diaphoretic, especially_____the level of his umbilicus. I He is tachycardic and hypotensive. What condition best describes the ' patient presentation? - Abdominal aortic I aneurysm. * s/The abdominal aorta is located in the t._____-__________space. A sudden____of | pressure due to an aortic aneurysm will |result in loss of perfusion below the site of I injury. : lower back, below, pale, cool, retro-r peritoneal, loss ■ 12 i-You are called to the home of a 36-year-[ old man who is having a seizure. His wife {.reports that he has not taken his "_______ H____" lately and that he has now had three ^seizures in a row without_________ |L____________. You have_______the airway land are now ventilating with the_________ H What should you do next? - Begin an mt, monitor cardiac rhythm, and administer Miazepam. * ■or a patient in_________________, treatment consists of establishing an IV, monitoring cardiac rhythm, and administering diazepam to stop the seizures. Status epilepticus, seizure pills, regaining consciousness, bag valve mask, secured 13 What is the primary reason that diazepam is given to a seizure patient? to suppress the spread of electrical activity in the brain and relax muscles. * Although diazepam (Valium) does reduce _______, it is given to seizure patients to suppress the spread of__________________ through the brain as well as to_____ anxiety, relax muscles, electrical activity 14 A 52-year-old male has been ejected from a car. He is apnoeic, with a slow pulse palpated at the_____________. What procedure would best manage this patient's airway? - Ventilate with the bag-valve mask and attach to high-flow oxygen.* This patient needs immediate___________ ______________. Using a bag-valve mask will__________this task most effectively. accomplish, oxygenation and ventilation, femoral artery 15 Your patient is a 27-year-old male who is found unconscious on a bathroom floor. He is not breathing, has______________, and has a fresh________wound to his right — 155 — forearm. He has_____________that form a bluish streak over the veins on the backs on both hands. This patient is most likely suffering from which of the following? a seizure disorder multiple spider bites a narcotic overdose * anaphylactic shock Common signs of a________________are described: Pinpoint pupils are characteristic of heroin and narcotic use, a fresh puncture wound over a vein indicates a recent_____________, and_____________ over the veins is consistent with the presence of track marks. bluish scarring, multiple scars, puncture, narcotic overdose, injection site, pinpoint pupils 16 A 24-year-old female is complaining of chest pain and difficulty breathing. She has been up for three days studying for finals and has been taking ephedrine supplements to help her__________and alert. She also admits to drinking 12 ___________soft drinks in the past day. Vitals are BP 80/40, P 180 carotid, and R 42. She is_________and lethargic. The best treatment for this patient would include: cardioversion at 100 joules This patient presents in unstable supraventricular____________. Her condition may___________quickly; therefore, immediate synchronized _____________is indicated. cardioversion, caffeinated, stay awake, tachycardia, very pale, deteriorate 17 Your patient is a 19-year-old female who has been stung by a stingray while swimming. What should you do after________ airway breathing and circulation are intact? - Apply heat or warm water to reduce pain and________the poison. * Heat will cause the______to break down and______the harm to the patient. detoxify, poison, ensuring, lessen 18 Your patient is a comatose 56-year-old male. His breath smells fruity and sweet and his respirations are very deep and rapid. After the initial assessment, you should provide the following treatments: Draw blood, start an IV of 0.9% NaCI, and give a 500 ml fluid bolus.* This patient is showing signs and symptoms of diabetic___________. Avoid the use of______________________if at all possible. At the minimum, you should obtain a ________________before administering any glucose containing solutions. The fluid bolus will help_______the glucose contained within his blood. glucose administration, glucometer reading, ketoacidosis, dilute 19 Your patient is a 30-year-old female who is complaining of a generalized rash and a dyspnoea after eating shellfish. The patients has small itchy, red welts all over her body 1 and says her tongue feels like it is swollen.| She complains of difficulty moving air in and difficulty___________________. This patient's vital signs show a blood pressure of 110/60; a pulse of 100, strong and regular; and a respiratory rate of 36. Her breathing is somewhat shallow and This patient is exhibiting the signs and symptoms of: an allergic reaction. * This patient's blood pressure is still _______________the allergic reaction; therefore, the patient is not in anaphylactic shock. ;.■« This patient needs close monitoring because she could____________: anaphylactic shock * jfCompensating for, catching a full breath, progress into, laboured V ft U respond to a 1 7-year-old female nd unconscious in her backyard by her jNints. She has a newly developing skin Ih on her right arm and is having |ftculty breathing. You note that she is feezing. Her parents state that she has history of respiratory problems or other Hdical disorders, ich of the following is a possible cause her condition? Anaphylaxis * febrile seizures status asthmaticus epiglottitis environment she is in and previously n____,________, difficulty breathing negative past history are keys to this a case of possible anaphylactic * pWhat is the first step in managing llient? - Aggressively manage the P.: You should aggressively manage the airway. It may be necessary to_________ ________this patient, and you may get only one attempt. Once the tube contacts the larynx, the__________can spasm and completely shut off the airway. The next step in treating this patient is to start a normal saline or Ringer's lactate IV and to give: epinephrine * Epinephrine is a potent_____________and can reverse many of the effects of histamine________. This patient is__ ________and should first be treated with epinephrine. If respiratory________ continues once the epinephrine has entered the patient's system, you may try using diphenhydramine (another antihistamine) or albuterol to bring about Antihistamine, distress, bronchodilation, carefully intubate, rash, vocal cords, in extremis, overload, wheezing Vocabulary 1 abdominal /aeb'dnm.i.nsl/ thrust /BrASt/ břišní úder, první pomoc při dušení abscess /' absces accomplish /9'kAm.pliJ/ dosáhnout, provést, uskutečnit admit /sďmit/ připustit, uznat, hospitalizovat aggressively /a' agresivně, útočně air /'ear/ embolism /' vzduchová embólie anaphylaxis /,'laek.sis/ anafylaxe, druh alergie, přecitlivělosti na cizorodou bílkovinu ascent /a'sent/ stoupání, výstup bag /baeg/ mask /maisk/ dýchací maska, ambuvak, resuscitační vak,