Export odpovědí: Past continuous Omezení: všichni odpovídající | všechny průchody 1. Babij, Ruslana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11595 (13b) 2. Beranová, Hana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11647 (12b) 3. Borošová, Nikola, DiS. (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11615 (8b) 4. Brožková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12256 (16b) 5. Brzybohatá, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11582 (2b) 6. Bychko, Ivanna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12289 (12b) 7. Dlouhá, Linda (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11560 (17b) 8. Dúcka, Martina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12258 (16b) 9. Ekpai, Zuzana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11612 (13b) 10. Hahnová, Žaneta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 9530 (0b) 11. Hladíkova, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11578 (13b) 12. Chynová, Adéla (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11641 (10b) 13. Jankovská, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11542 (10b) 14. Jedlanová, Kateřina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 10493 (2b) 15. Kadečková, Denisa (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11541 (7b) 16. Keicherová, Michaela (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12221 (10b) 17. Knejfl, Jakub (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11606 (15b) 18. Konopásek, Jan (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11653 (15b) 19. Kontrová, Kateřina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12270 (9b) 20. Krejzová, Aneta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12259 (7b) 21. Lederová, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11610 (13b) 22. Malečková, Markéta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11565 (7b) 23. Malečková, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11583 (0b) 24. Malická, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12254 (8b) 25. Martseniuk, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12291 (0b) 26. Paková, Barbora (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11605 (15b) 27. Pflegerová, Alena (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11627 (0b) 28. Raková, Viktorie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11628 (5b) 29. Šejnohová, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12244 (6b) 30. Ševčíková, Petra (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11558 (6b) 31. Štefaníková, Martina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11592 (12b) 32. Uváčiková, Kamila (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12247 (12b) 33. Vlková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11567 (11b) 34. Voctářová, Karla (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11559 (7b) 35. Vodičková, Eva Marie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11603 (15b) 36. Winklerová, Lucie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11569 (11b) 37. Zelená, Johana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 10481 (12b) 1 1 Babij, Ruslana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11595 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 2. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 3. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 4. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 5. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 6. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 7. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 8. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 9. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 2 10. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 11. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 12. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 13. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 14. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 15. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? ⊗ What do you see there? 16. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 17. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 18. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 3 2 Beranová, Hana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11647 I. průchod: (12b) 1. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 2. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 3. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 4. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 5. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 6. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 7. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 8. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 9. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 4 10. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 11. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? ⊗ Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 12. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 13. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 14. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 15. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 16. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 17. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 18. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 5 3 Borošová, Nikola, DiS. (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11615 I. průchod: (8b) 1. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 2. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 3. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. ⊗ They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 4. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 5. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. ⊗ We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 6. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? ⊗ Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 7. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 8. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 9. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 6 10. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. ⊗ We walked around the forest when we got lost. 11. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 12. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 13. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? ⊗ Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 14. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? ⊗ What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 15. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 16. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 17. (0b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. ⊗ The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 18. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 7 4 Brožková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12256 I. průchod: (16b) 1. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? ⊗ How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 2. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 3. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 4. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 5. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 6. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 7. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 8. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 9. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 8 10. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 11. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 12. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 13. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 14. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 15. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 16. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 17. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 18. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 9 5 Brzybohatá, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11582 I. průchod: (2b) 1. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 2. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. ⊗ When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 3. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? ⊗ Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 4. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. ⊗ We walked around the forest when we got lost. 5. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? ⊗ What do you see there? 6. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 7. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 8. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 9. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? ⊗ Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 10 10. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? ⊗ What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 11. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 12. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 13. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. ⊗ We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 14. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? ⊗ How feel you yesterday? 15. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. ⊗ His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 16. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 17. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 18. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 11 6 Bychko, Ivanna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12289 I. průchod: (12b) 1. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 2. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 3. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 4. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 5. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 6. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 7. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 8. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 9. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. ⊗ His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 12 10. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 11. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 12. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 13. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 14. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 15. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. ⊗ We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 16. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 17. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 18. (0b) Co se stalo? What happened? ⊗ What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 13 7 Dlouhá, Linda (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11560 I. průchod: (17b) 1. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 2. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 3. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 4. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 5. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 6. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 7. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 8. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 9. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 14 10. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 11. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 12. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 13. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 14. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 15. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 16. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 17. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 18. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 15 8 Dúcka, Martina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12258 I. průchod: (16b) 1. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 2. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 3. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. ⊗ The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 4. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 5. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 6. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 7. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 8. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 9. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 16 10. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 11. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 12. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 13. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? ⊗ What were you doing when it did happen? 14. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 15. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 16. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 17. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 18. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 17 9 Ekpai, Zuzana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11612 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 2. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 3. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 4. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 5. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 6. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 7. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 8. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 9. (0b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? ⊗ Who did you visit? 18 10. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 11. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 12. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 13. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 14. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 15. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 16. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 17. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. ⊗ We walked around the forest when we got lost. 18. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. ⊗ When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 19 10 Hahnová, Žaneta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 9530 I. průchod: (0b) 1. (b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 2. (b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 3. (b) Co se stalo? What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 4. (b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 5. (b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 6. (b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 7. (b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 8. (b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 9. (b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 20 10. (b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 11. (b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 12. (b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 13. (b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 14. (b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 15. (b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 16. (b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 17. (b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 18. (b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 21 11 Hladíkova, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11578 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 2. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 3. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 4. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 5. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 6. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 7. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 8. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 9. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 22 10. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? ⊗ What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 11. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 12. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. ⊗ We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 13. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 14. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 15. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 16. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 17. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 18. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 23 12 Chynová, Adéla (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11641 I. průchod: (10b) 1. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. ⊗ The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 2. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 3. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. ⊗ When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 4. (0b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? ⊗ Who did you visit? 5. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 6. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 7. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? ⊗ What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 8. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 9. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 24 10. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. ⊗ We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 11. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 12. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? ⊗ What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 13. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 14. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 15. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 16. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 17. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 18. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 25 13 Jankovská, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11542 I. průchod: (10b) 1. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 2. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? ⊗ What were you doing when it did happen? 3. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 4. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 5. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 6. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 7. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 8. (0b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? ⊗ Who did you visit? 9. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. ⊗ They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 26 10. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 11. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 12. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 13. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 14. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 15. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. ⊗ We walked around the forest when we got lost. 16. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 17. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 18. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? ⊗ What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 27 14 Jedlanová, Kateřina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 10493 I. průchod: (2b) 1. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. ⊗ We walked around the forest when we got lost. 2. (0b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. ⊗ The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 3. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 4. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 5. (0b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? ⊗ Who did you visit? 6. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? ⊗ Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 7. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 8. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 9. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. ⊗ When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 28 10. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 11. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 12. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? ⊗ What are you going to do at 6 PM? 13. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 14. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. ⊗ Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 15. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 16. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? ⊗ How feel you yesterday? 17. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 18. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? ⊗ What do you see there? 29 15 Kadečková, Denisa (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11541 I. průchod: (7b) 1. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. ⊗ We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 2. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 3. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 4. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. ⊗ When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 5. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 6. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 7. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 8. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? ⊗ What are you going to do at 6 PM? 9. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 30 10. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 11. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 12. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 13. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? ⊗ How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 14. (0b) Co se stalo? What happened? ⊗ What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 15. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 16. (0b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? ⊗ Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 17. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 18. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 31 16 Keicherová, Michaela (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12221 I. průchod: (10b) 1. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 2. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 3. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 4. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 5. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 6. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. ⊗ The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 7. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 8. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 9. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? ⊗ What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 32 10. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 11. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 12. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 13. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. ⊗ We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 14. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 15. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. ⊗ We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 16. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 17. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 18. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 33 17 Knejfl, Jakub (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11606 I. průchod: (15b) 1. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 2. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 3. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 4. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 5. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 6. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? ⊗ Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 7. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 8. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 9. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 34 10. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 11. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 12. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? ⊗ Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 13. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 14. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 15. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 16. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 17. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 18. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 35 18 Konopásek, Jan (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11653 I. průchod: (15b) 1. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 2. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 3. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 4. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 5. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 6. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 7. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 8. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 9. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 36 10. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 11. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 12. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 13. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 14. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 15. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 16. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 17. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 18. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 37 19 Kontrová, Kateřina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12270 I. průchod: (9b) 1. (0b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. ⊗ The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 2. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 3. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 4. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 5. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 6. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. ⊗ His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 7. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. ⊗ When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 8. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 9. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 38 10. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. ⊗ The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 11. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 12. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 13. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 14. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? ⊗ Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 15. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 16. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 17. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 18. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 39 20 Krejzová, Aneta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12259 I. průchod: (7b) 1. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 2. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? ⊗ Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 3. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 4. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. ⊗ His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 5. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 6. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 7. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 8. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 9. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 40 10. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 11. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 12. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 13. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. ⊗ They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 14. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? ⊗ What school is Paul going to? 15. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? ⊗ How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 16. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 17. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. ⊗ We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 18. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 41 21 Lederová, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11610 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 2. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. ⊗ We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 3. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 4. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 5. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 6. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 7. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 8. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 9. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 42 10. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 11. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 12. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 13. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 14. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 15. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 16. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 17. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 18. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 43 22 Malečková, Markéta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11565 I. průchod: (7b) 1. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 2. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 3. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. ⊗ When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 4. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 5. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 6. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 7. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 8. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 9. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 44 10. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 11. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? ⊗ What are you going to do at 6 PM? 12. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 13. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 14. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 15. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 16. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? ⊗ How feel you yesterday? 17. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? ⊗ What had you seen there? What do you see there? 18. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? ⊗ What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 45 23 Malečková, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11583 I. průchod: (0b) 1. (b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 2. (b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 3. (b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 4. (b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 5. (b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 6. (b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 7. (b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 8. (b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 9. (b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 46 10. (b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 11. (b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 12. (b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 13. (b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 14. (b) Co se stalo? What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 15. (b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 16. (b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 17. (b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 18. (b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 47 24 Malická, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12254 I. průchod: (8b) 1. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 2. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 3. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 4. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 5. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 6. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 7. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 8. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 9. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 48 10. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? ⊗ What were you doing when it did happen? 11. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 12. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 13. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 14. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 15. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? ⊗ Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 16. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 17. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 18. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. ⊗ We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 49 25 Martseniuk, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12291 I. průchod: (0b) 1. (b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 2. (b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 3. (b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 4. (b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 5. (b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 6. (b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 7. (b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 8. (b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 9. (b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 50 10. (b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 11. (b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 12. (b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 13. (b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 14. (b) Co se stalo? What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 15. (b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 16. (b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 17. (b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 18. (b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 51 26 Paková, Barbora (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11605 I. průchod: (15b) 1. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 2. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 3. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 4. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? ⊗ What were you doing when it did happen? 5. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 6. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 7. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 8. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 9. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 52 10. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 11. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 12. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 13. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 14. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 15. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 16. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 17. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 18. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. ⊗ His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 53 27 Pflegerová, Alena (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11627 I. průchod: (0b) 1. (b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 2. (b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 3. (b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 4. (b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 5. (b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 6. (b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 7. (b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 8. (b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 9. (b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 54 10. (b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 11. (b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 12. (b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 13. (b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 14. (b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 15. (b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 16. (b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 17. (b) Co se stalo? What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 18. (b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 55 28 Raková, Viktorie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11628 I. průchod: (5b) 1. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 2. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 3. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. ⊗ We walked around the forest when we got lost. 4. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 5. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? ⊗ Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 6. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 7. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? ⊗ How feel you yesterday? 8. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. ⊗ When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 9. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? ⊗ What are you going to do at 6 PM? 56 10. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? ⊗ What had you seen there? What do you see there? 11. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 12. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 13. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 14. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 15. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 16. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 17. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 18. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 57 29 Šejnohová, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12244 I. průchod: (6b) 1. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 2. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 3. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. ⊗ They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 4. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 5. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 6. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. ⊗ We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 7. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? ⊗ What do you see there? 8. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 9. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 58 10. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 11. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? ⊗ What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 12. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 13. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 14. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 15. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 16. (0b) Co se stalo? What happened? What was happening? What did occur? ⊗ What did happen? 17. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 18. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 59 30 Ševčíková, Petra (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11558 I. průchod: (6b) 1. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? ⊗ Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 2. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 3. (0b) Jak ses cítil včera? How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? ⊗ How feel you yesterday? 4. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? ⊗ What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 5. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. ⊗ We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 6. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 7. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 8. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 9. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 60 10. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 11. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 12. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 13. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 14. (0b) Co se stalo? What happened? ⊗ What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 15. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 16. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. ⊗ His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 17. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 18. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 61 31 Štefaníková, Martina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11592 I. průchod: (12b) 1. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 2. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. ⊗ We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 3. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 4. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 5. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 6. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 7. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. ⊗ When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 8. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 9. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 62 10. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 11. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 12. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 13. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 14. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 15. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 16. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 17. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 18. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. ⊗ We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 63 32 Uváčiková, Kamila (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12247 I. průchod: (12b) 1. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. ⊗ We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 2. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 3. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 4. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 5. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? ⊗ What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 6. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? ⊗ Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 7. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 8. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 9. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 64 10. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 11. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 12. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. ⊗ They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 13. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 14. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 15. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 16. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 17. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 18. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 65 33 Vlková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11567 I. průchod: (11b) 1. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 2. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 3. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 4. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. ⊗ We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 5. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 6. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 7. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. ⊗ When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 8. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. ⊗ Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 9. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 66 10. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 11. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 12. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 13. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. ⊗ We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 14. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 15. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 16. (1b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil • She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 17. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 18. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 67 34 Voctářová, Karla (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11559 I. průchod: (7b) 1. (0b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. ⊗ His father was never playing with him he watched TV. His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 2. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 3. (0b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. ⊗ When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 4. (0b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? ⊗ Who did you visit? 5. (0b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. ⊗ They bought the house two months. They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 6. (0b) Podzim přicházel. ⊗ The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. The autumn was coming. The fall came. 7. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 8. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 9. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? ⊗ What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 68 10. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 11. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 12. (0b) Co se stalo? What happened? What was happening? What did occur? ⊗ What did happen? 13. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 14. (0b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? ⊗ Who did you do at 6 PM? What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 15. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 16. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 17. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 18. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 69 35 Vodičková, Eva Marie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11603 I. průchod: (15b) 1. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? ⊗ What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 2. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 3. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 4. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 5. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 6. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 7. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 8. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 9. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 70 10. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 11. (1b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. • The lunch cost sixty crowns. 12. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 13. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 14. (0b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. ⊗ We walked through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 15. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 16. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 17. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 18. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 71 36 Winklerová, Lucie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11569 I. průchod: (11b) 1. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 2. (0b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. ⊗ When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 3. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. ⊗ The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 4. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 5. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 6. (1b) Co jsi tam viděl? What were you looking at there? • What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 7. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 8. (1b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? • Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 9. (0b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. ⊗ They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast when she called. 72 10. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 11. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 12. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. ⊗ Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 13. (0b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? ⊗ What are you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 14. (1b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? • Who did you visit? 15. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 16. (0b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. ⊗ We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. We were having lunch when he arrived. 17. (0b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? ⊗ What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 18. (1b) Co se stalo? • What happened? What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 73 37 Zelená, Johana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 10481 I. průchod: (12b) 1. (1b) Podzim přicházel. The autumn came. The autumn has been coming. • The autumn was coming. The fall came. 2. (0b) Kdo tě navštívil? Whom did visit? Who visited you? Who had visit you? ⊗ Who did you visit? 3. (1b) Šli jsme lesem, když jsme se ztratili. We walked through the forest when we got lost. • We were walking through the forest when we got lost. We were walking through the forest when we were getting lost. We walked around the forest when we got lost. 4. (0b) Koho jsi navštívil? Whom did visit? ⊗ Who visited you? Who had visit you? Who did you visit? 5. (1b) Ještě snídali, když zavolala. They had still breakfast, when she was calling. They did still breakfast, when she was calling. They were still having breakfast, when she was calling. • They were still having breakfast when she called. 6. (1b) Jeho otec si s ním nehrál, pořád se jen díval na televizi. His father was never playing with him he watched TV. • His father never played with him he was always watching TV. His father never played with him he watched TV. Her father never played with him he was watching TV. 7. (1b) Jak ses cítil včera? • How did you feel yesterday? How felt you yesterday? How have you feel yesterday? How feel you yesterday? 8. (0b) Co se stalo? What happened? ⊗ What was happening? What did occur? What did happen? 9. (1b) Co jste dělal v 18 hodin? Who did you do at 6 PM? • What were you doing at 6 PM? What did you do at 18? What are you going to do at 6 PM? 74 10. (0b) Oběd stál jen 60 korun. The lunch costed sixty crowns. The lunch cast sixty crowns. ⊗ The lunch was costing sixty crowns. The lunch cost sixty crowns. 11. (0b) Co jsi tam viděl? ⊗ What were you looking at there? What did you see there? What had you seen there? What do you see there? 12. (1b) Když jsem tam dorazil, všichni na mě čekali. • When I got there, everybody was waiting for me. When I arrived there, everybody waited for me. When I was arriving there, everybody were waiting for me. As I arrived there, all waited for me. 13. (1b) Kupovali ten dům dva měsíce. They bought the house two months. • They were buying the house two months. They had bought the house two months. The have buy the house for two months. 14. (1b) Do jaké školy Pavel chodil? What school did Paul go to? What school went Paul to? • What school was Paul going to? What school is Paul going to? 15. (1b) Co jste právě dělal, když se to stalo? What did you do when it happened? What are you doing when it happened? • What were you doing when it happened? What were you doing when it did happen? 16. (1b) Obědvali jsme, když přišel. We had lunch when he arrived. We had lunch when he was arriving. We he was coming, we were having lunch. • We were having lunch when he arrived. 17. (0b) Zatímco se dívala na televizi, Petr vařil She was watching TV while Peter was cooking. ⊗ She watched TV while Peter was cooking. She was watching TV while Peter cooked. Peter cooked while she was watching TV. 18. (1b) Když jsem se podíval z okna, opět sněžilo. When I looked out of the window it snowed again. When I was looking out of the window it was snowing again. • When I looked out of the window it was snowing again. When I was looking out of the window it snowed again. 75