Export odpovědí: Present tenses Omezení: všichni odpovídající | všechny průchody 1. Babij,Ruslana(studVŠZDRAV),učo 11595 (20b) 2. Beranová, Hana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11647 (18b) 3. Borošová, Nikola, DiS. (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11615 (13b) 4. Brožková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12256 (16b) 5. Brzybohatá, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11582 (10b) 6. Bychko, Ivanna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12289 (11b) 7. Čápova, Štěpánka (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11579 (14b) 8. Dlouhá, Linda (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11560 (20b) 9. Dúcka, Martina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12258 (19b) 10. Ekpai, Zuzana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11612 (13b) 11. Halinová, Žaneta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 9530 (19b) 12. Hladíkova, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11578 (20b) 13. Chynová, Adéla (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11641 (19b) 14. Jankovská, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11542 (10b) 15. Kadečková, Denisa (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11541 (12b) 16. Keicherová, Michaela (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12221 (12b) 17. Knejfl, Jakub (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11606 (15b) 18. Konopásek, Jan (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11653 (21b) 19. Kontrová, Kateňna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12270 (11b) 20. Krejzová, Aneta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12259 (14b) 21. Lederová, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11610 (18b) 22. Malečková, Markéta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11565 (14b) 23. Malečková, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11583 (17b) 24. Maličká, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12254 (19b) 25. Martseniuk, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12291 (10b) 26. Páková, Barbora (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11605 (20b) 27. Pflegerová, Alena (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11627 (16b) 28. Raková, Viktorie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11628 (17b) 29. Šejnohová, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12244 (16b) 30. Ševčíková, Petra (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11558 (6b) 31. Štefánikova, Martina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11592 (16b) 32. Uváčiková, Kamila (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12247 (19b) 33. Vlková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11567 (13b) 34. Voctářová, Karla (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11559 (14b) 35. Vodičková, Eva Marie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11603 (18b) 36. Winklerová, Lucie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11569 (21b) 37. Zelená, Johana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 10481 (13b) 1 1 Babij, Ruslana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11595 I. průchod: (20b) 1. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 2. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 3. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 4. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 5. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 6. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 7. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 8. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 9. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 2 10. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts even' month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 11. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 12. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 13. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 14. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 15. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 16. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 17. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 18. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 19. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? 3 O Will you have pizza? 20. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. (i> Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 21. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. $5 Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 22. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. (g> Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 23. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 24. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 25. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? (§> Who calls you? 26. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 27. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 4 2 Beranová, Hana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11647 I. průchod: (18b) 1. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 2. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 3. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 4. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 5. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 6. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 7. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 8. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 9. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 5 10. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 11. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. es) So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 12. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 13. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. §Iam paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 14. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now. he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now. he thinks, es) Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 15. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 16. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! %> You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 17. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 18. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 19. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? 6 O Why are you cooking? 20. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. & Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 21. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 22. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. & Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 23. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 24. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 25. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 26. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 27. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. (» He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 7 3 Borošová, Nikola, DiS. (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11615 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 2. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 3. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 4. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 5. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 6. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 7. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 8. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 9. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 8 10. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 11. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 12. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 13. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. (8 I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 14. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 15. (Ob) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. (8 What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 16. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 17. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 18. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 19. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. 9 Opening hours changes every month. 20. (lb) Proč places? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 21. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 22. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 23. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 24. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 25. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 26. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 27. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. (8 I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 10 4 Brožková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12256 I. průchod: (16b) 1. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 2. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 3. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 4. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. (8 He lends money all the time. 5. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 6. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. (8 Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 7. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 8. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! (8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 9. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 11 10. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 11. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? (i) Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 12. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 13. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 14. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 15. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 16. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 17. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 18. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. % Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 19. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 20. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 21. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 22. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 23. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 24. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 25. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 26. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 27. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 13 5 Brzybohatá, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11582 I. průchod: (10b) 1. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 2. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 3. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 4. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. Opening hours changes every month. 5. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 6. (Ob) Co to vans? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? (8 What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 7. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? (8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 8. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 9. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 14 10. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 11. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 12. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. <8> So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 13. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 14. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 15. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 16. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? (8 Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 17. (Ob) Co vans? Krásně to voní. % What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 18. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 19. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. 15 S) He is usually coming late. 20. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? Where can you sometimes shopping? 21. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 23. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 24. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? % So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 25. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 26. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 27. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 16 6 Bychko, Ivanna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12289 I. průchod: (11b) 1. (lb) Co to vanš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 2. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 3. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 4. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 5. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 6. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 7. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! O You always comes late! You do always come late! O You are coming late! 8. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 9. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. (8 Opening hours changes every month. 17 10. (lb) Co van's? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 11. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 12. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 13. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 14. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? ® Who tells you? 15. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? (8 What will Jane wear today? 16. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 17. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? (8 Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 18. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. ® Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 19. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? (8 Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? 18 O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 20. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 21. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 22. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 23. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 24. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 25. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 26. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. (8 Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 27. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. (8 So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 7 Čápova, Štěpánka (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11579 I. průchod: (14b) 1. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. <8 Opening hours changes every month. 2. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. (8 He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 3. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 4. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 5. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 6. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. (8 I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 7. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. (8 This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 8. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. (8 Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 9. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 20 10. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 11. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 12. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 13. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 14. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 15. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 16. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 17. (Ob) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? O What do you cook? (8 Why are you cooking? 18. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 19. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. (8 I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. 21 O I having a shower every morning. 20. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 21. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 22 (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 23. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 24. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8> You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 25. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 26. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 27. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 22 8 Dlouhá, Linda (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11560 I. průchod: (20b) 1. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. <8 I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 2. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 3. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 4. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 5. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 6. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 7. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 8. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 9. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 23 10. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 11. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 12. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 13. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 14. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. <8 I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower even' morning. 15. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 16. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? ® Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 17. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. This cheese smells even worse. 18. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8> He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 19. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? 24 ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 20. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 21. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 22. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 23. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 24. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 25. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 26. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. Yesterday all will be explained. 27. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 25 9 Dúcka, Martina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12258 I. průchod: (19b) 1. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 2. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 3. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 4. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 5. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 6. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. (8 He lends money all the time. 7. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 8. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 9. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 26 10. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? %> Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 11. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. i§) Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 12. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 13. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 14. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 15. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 16. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 17. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 18. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 19. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! O You always comes late! ® You do always come late! 27 O You are coining late! 20. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 21. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 22. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 23. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 24. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 25. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? (8 Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 26. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 27. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 28 10 Ekpai, Zuzana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11612 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. <8 Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 2. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. (8 So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 3. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 4. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. (8 I'll pay this evening. 5. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 6. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 7. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. (8 We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 8. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? (8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 9. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. (8 This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 29 10. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 11. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 12. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. (8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 13. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 14. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? (8 Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 15. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 16. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 17. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? C Who calls you? 18. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 19. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? 30 O Why are you cooking? 20. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 21. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? $5 Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 22. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 23. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 24. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 25. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8> You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 26. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 27. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 31 11 Hahnová, Žaneta (stud VSZDRAV), učo 9530 I. průchod: (19b) 1. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 2. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 3. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 4. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 5. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 6. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 7. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 8. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 9. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. (8 Opening hours changes every month. 32 10. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 11. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? %> Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 12. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 13. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 14. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? %> Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 15. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 16. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? ® Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 17. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 18. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 19. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. ® He often comes late. O He is always coming late. 33 O He is usually coming late. 20. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 21. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 22. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 23. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 24. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 25. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 26. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 27. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. (8> I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 34 12 Hladíkova, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11578 I. průchod: (20b) 1. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 2. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 3. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 4. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 5. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 6. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? (8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 7. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 8. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 9. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 35 10. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 11. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 12. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. <8> This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 13. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 14. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. (8 He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 15. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 16. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 17. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 18. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 19. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! 36 O You are coming late! 20. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? <8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 21. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 22. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 23. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 24. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 25. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 26. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 27. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 37 13 Chynová, Adéla (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11641 I. průchod: (19b) 1. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 2. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 3. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? <8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 4. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 5. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? (8 Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 6. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 7. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? (8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 8. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 9. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 38 10. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 11. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 12. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 13. (lb) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. ® I am playing tennis today. 14. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 15. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 16. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 17. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. <8 He lends money all the time. 18. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 19. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? 39 O Will you have pizza? 20. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 21. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 22. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 23. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 24. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 25. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 26. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 27. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 40 14 Jankovská, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11542 I. průchod: (10b) 1. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? <8 Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 2. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. (8 I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 3. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 4. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. (8 I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 5. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 6. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? (8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 7. (Ob) Co to vans? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 8. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 9. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 41 10. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 11. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 12. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 13. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. He lends money all the time. 14. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now. he'll be thinking. Don't you talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 15. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 16. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 17. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? What will Jane wear today? 18. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 19. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. (8 Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. 42 O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 20. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 21. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 22. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? <8 Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 23. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 24. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? <8 Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 25. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 26. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 27. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 43 15 Kadečková, Denisa (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11541 I. průchod: (12b) 1. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 2. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 3. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 4. (Ob) Co vans? Krásně to voní. <8 What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 5. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 6. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 7. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 8. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 9. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 44 10. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? <8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 11. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? (8 Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 12. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 13. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. (8 Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 14. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 15. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. (8 I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 16. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 17. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. (8 Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 18. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 19. (Ob) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? O What do you cook? 8) Why are you cooking? 20. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. Don't talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now. he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 21. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá, es) This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 22. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 23. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 24. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. 8) He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 25. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 26. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 27. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. &) I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 46 16 Keicherová, Michaela (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12221 I. průchod: (12b) 1. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. <8 Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 2. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 3. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 4. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 5. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? (8 So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 6. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? (8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 7. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 8. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 9. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 47 10. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! <§> You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 11. (Ob) Co to vans? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? % What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 12. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. <8> Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 13. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 18. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? (8 Why do you do it? G Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 19. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. G He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. 48 O He lends money all the time. 20. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 21. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? ® Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 22. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. <&> I sometimes breakfast in die morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 23. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 25. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 26. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. Opening hours changes every month. 27. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. <£> I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 17 Knejfl, Jakub (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11606 I. průchod: (15b) 1. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 2. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 3. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. <8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 4. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 5. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 6. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 7. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 8. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 9. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 50 10. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. %> So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 11. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? %> What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 12. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books, es) Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 13. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time, es) He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 14. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. %> He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 15. (Ob) Máš rád pizzu? <£> Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? O Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 16. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. I'll pay this evening. 17. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? %> What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 18. (Ob) Co vans? Krásně to voní. <£> What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 19. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. <£> I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. 51 O I having a shower every morning. 20. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 21. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 22. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. (8 Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 23. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 24. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 25. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? <8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 26. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? (8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 27. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 52 18 Konopásek, Jan (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11653 I. průchod: (21b) 1. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 2. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 3. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 4. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 5. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 6. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 7. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. I'll pay this evening. 8. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. (8 Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 9. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 53 10. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 11. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 12. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 13. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 14. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 15. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 16. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 17. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 18. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 19. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. 54 O He lends money all the time. 20. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 21. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. 8> Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 22. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? ® Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 23. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 24. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 25. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 26. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 27. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 55 19 Kontrová, Kateřina (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12270 I. průchod: (11b) 1. (lb) Co vanš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 2. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. $5 Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 3. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 4. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 23. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? <8> Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 24. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! čí You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 25. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? <8> What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 26. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 27. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now. he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 58 20 Krejzová, Aneta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12259 I. průchod: (14b) 1. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 2. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. 8> I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 3. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 4. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 5. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? (8 Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 6. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 7. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 8. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 9. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 59 10. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? ® Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 11. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 12. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with Mm now. He thinks. <8> Don't tell him. He is thinking. 13. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. I'll pay this evening. 14. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 15. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 16. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 17. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? (8 Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 18. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 19. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. 0 I am having a shower every morning. 01 have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 20. (Ob) Co vans? Krásně to voní. <8 What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 21. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 22. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 23. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 24. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 25. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 26. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? (8 Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 27. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? <8 So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 61 21 Lederová, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11610 I. průchod: (18b) 1. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? <8 Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 2. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 3. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 4. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 5. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 6. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 7. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 8. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. (8 I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 9. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 62 10. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. <§> So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 11. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? <8> Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 12. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 13. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 14. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? ® Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 15. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 16. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. 8) He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 17. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? % What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 18. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. % Jack does often lend me books. 19. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! 8) You always comes late! O You do always come late! 63 O You are coming late! 20. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. <8 I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 21. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 22. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 23. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. <8 Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 24. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 25. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 26. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 27. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 64 22 Malečková, Markéta (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11565 I. průchod: (14b) 1. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. <8 The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 2. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 3. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. <8 Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 4. (Ob) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. (8 What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 5. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 6. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 7. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 8. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 9. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? (8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 65 10. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 11. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? ® Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 12. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 13. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? 8> What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 14. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 15. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. % I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 16. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 17. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? <8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 18. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? <8 So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 19. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower even morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. 66 O I having a shower every morning. 20. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. <8 He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 21. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. <8 We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 22. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. (8 Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 23. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 24. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 25. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 26. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 27. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 23 Malečková, Sára (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11583 I. průchod: (17b) 1. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. <8 Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 2. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 3. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 4. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. (8 I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 5. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 6. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. (8 We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 7. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 8. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 9. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? <8 Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 68 10. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 11. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 12. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 13. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8> You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 14. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 15. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 16. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 17. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 18. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 2. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 3. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. <8 I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 4. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. (8 So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 5. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? (8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 6. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 7. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 8. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 9. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 71 10. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 11. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 12. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 13. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 14. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 15. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 16. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 17. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 18. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 19. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. 72 O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 20. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month, es) The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 21. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 22. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 26. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 27. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 25 Martseniuk, Anna (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12291 I. průchod: (10b) 1. (lb) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. ® I am playing tennis today. 2. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. <8 I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 3. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 4. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 5. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? (8 Why don't you do it? 6. (Ob) Co to vans? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? (8 What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 7. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? <8 What will Jane wear today? 8. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. (8 Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 9. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? <8 Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 74 10. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? %> Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 11. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. i§) Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 12. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. <8> So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 13. (Ob) Máš rád pizzu? Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? O Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 14. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. <8> Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now. he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 15. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 16. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? Why don't you cry? 17. (lb) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? if) Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 18. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 19. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. %> Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 20. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. <8 I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 21. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 22. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 23. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. (8 I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 24. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. % Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 25. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 26. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 27. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. (8) He is borrowing money all die time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 76 26 Páková, Barbora (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11605 I. průchod: (20b) 1. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 2. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 3. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 4. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 5. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? <8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 6. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 7. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 8. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. <8 This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 9. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 77 10. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 11. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. §> We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 12. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 13. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 14. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 15. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 16. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 17. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 18. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 19. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? 78 O Who tells you? 20. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 21. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 22. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 23. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 24. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. c3 I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 25. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 26. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 27. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 27 Pflegerová, Alena (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11627 I. průchod: (16b) 1. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 2. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 3. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? <8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 4. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 5. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 6. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 7. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 8. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. (8 I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 9. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 80 10. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 11. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 12. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 13. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 14. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 15. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 16. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 17. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 18. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 19. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. 81 <8> Jack does often lend me books. 20. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. <8 Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 21. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 22. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 23. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. (8 I'll pay this evening. 24. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 25. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 26. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 27. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! (8 You are coming late! 28 Raková, Viktorie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11628 I. průchod: (17b) 1. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 2. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. (8 He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 3. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 4. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! <8 You are coming late! 5. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. <8 This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 6. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 7. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? (8 Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 8. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 9. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 83 10. (lb) Co vanš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 11. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 12. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. % Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 13. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 14. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 15. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 16. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 17. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 18. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 19. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. 84 Opening hours changes every month. 20. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 21. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 22. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. & Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 23. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? <&> Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 24. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. & Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 25. (lb) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. ® I am playing tennis today. 26. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 27. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 85 29 Sejnohová, Veronika (stud VSZDRAV), učo 12244 I. průchod: (16b) 1. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 2. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 3. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 4. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 5. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 6. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 7. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. <8 I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 8. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 9. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? <8 Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 86 10. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? <8> So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 11. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! O You always comes late! % You do always come late! O You are coming late! 12. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower even morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 13. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. % He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 14. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 15. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 16. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? <8> What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 17. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? % Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 18. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. G So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 19. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? 87 O Why are you cooking? 20. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? <8 Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 21. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. <8> Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 22. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 23. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 24. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 25. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. (8 We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 26. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 27. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. (8) This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 88 30 Ševčíková, Petra (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11558 I. průchod: (6b) 1. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 2. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 3. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? es) Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 4. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. % Don't tell him. He is thinking. 5. (Ob) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. O What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 6. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. %> Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 7. (Ob) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. O I am paying tonight. <£> I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 8. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. %> He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 9. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. es) We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 89 10. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 11. (Ob) Proč pláčeš? O Why are you crying? <8 Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 12. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 13. (Ob) Proč to teď děláš? O Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? % Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 14. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! O You always comes late! <8 You do always come late! O You are coming late! 15. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. % Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 16. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 17. (Ob) Co to vans? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? <8> What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 18. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 19. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? Why do you call? 90 O Who calls you? 20. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 21. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 22. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 23. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 24. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 25. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? 8 Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 26. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 27. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? g> What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 91 31 Štefánikova, Martina (stud VSZDRAV), učo 11592 I. průchod: (16b) 1. (Ob) Neustále chodíš pozdě! O You are always coming late! <8 You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 2. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 3. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 4. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 5. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? (8 Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 6. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 7. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. <8 Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 8. (lb) Co to vaříš? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 9. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 92 10. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 11. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 12. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 13. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 14. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 15. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 16. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. 8> Opening hours changes every month. 17. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? 8> Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 18. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 19. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. (8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. 93 O I am playing tennis today. 20. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 21. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay tiiis evening. 22. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 23. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 24. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 25. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 26. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 27. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 32 Uváčiková, Kamila (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 12247 I. průchod: (19b) 1. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 2. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 3. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 4. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 5. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 6. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 7. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 8. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 9. (lb) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. ® I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower even morning. 95 10. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 11. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? <8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 12. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 13. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 14. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 15. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? <8 What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 16. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 17. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. (8 This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 18. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 19. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. (8 Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. 96 O Opening hours changes every month. 20. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. <£> He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 21. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 22. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 23. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 24. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 25. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. %> He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 26. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 27. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 97 33 Vlková, Veronika (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11567 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 2. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 3. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 4. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 5. (lb) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. ® I am playing tennis today. 6. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 7. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? O Who are you telling it? Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 8. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. (8 I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 9. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. (8 He is usually coming late. 98 10. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? <8> So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 11. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 12. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 13. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 14. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 15. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 16. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 23. (Ob) Co to vans? O What cook you? O What are you cooking? O What do you cook? (8 Why are you cooking? 24. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 25. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 26. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. <8 This cheese smells even worse. 27. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 35 Vodičková, Eva Marie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11603 I. průchod: (18b) 1. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. <8 This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 2. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. <8 I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 3. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 4. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 5. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 6. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 7. (Ob) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. O We are explaining all to you tomorrow. <8 We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 8. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 9. (Ob) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. O So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. (8 So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 104 10. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 11. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. (8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 12. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 13. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 14. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 15. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. (8 Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 16. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? (8 So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 17. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 18. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 19. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. 105 ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 20. (lb) Obvykle ráno snídám. ® I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. O I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 21. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 22. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 23. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. <8 I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. O I having a shower every morning. 24. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 25. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 26. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 27. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 36 Winklerová, Lucie (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 11569 I. průchod: (21b) 1. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 2. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? <8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 3. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 4. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 5. (lb) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. O Jack is often lending me books. ® Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 6. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 7. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. (8 I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 8. (Ob) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. (8 I will play tennis today. O I am playing tennis today. 9. (lb) Posloucháš někdy vážnou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? O Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? ® Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 107 10. (Ob) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? 8> What does Jane wear today? O What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 11. (lb) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. O Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. ® The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 12. (lb) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. O Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. ® Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 13. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. <8 I having a shower every morning. 14. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. ® Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. O Don't tell him. He is thinking. 15. (lb) Co vaříš? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 16. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 17. (lb) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? ® Where do you usually do shopping? O Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 18. (Ob) Neustále chodí pozdě. <8 He always comes late. O He often comes late. O He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 19. (lb) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? O So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? ® So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? 108 O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 20. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 21. (lb) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. ® This cheese smells horrible. O This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 22. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 23. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 24. (lb) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. O He is borrowing money all the time. ® He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 25. (lb) Koho tam vidíš? O Who are you seeing there? ® Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 26. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 27. (lb) Kdo ti volá? O Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? ® Who calls you? 109 37 Zelená, Johana (stud VŠZDRAV), učo 10481 I. průchod: (13b) 1. (lb) Dnes večer platím já. O I am going to pay tonight. ® I am paying tonight. O I do pay tonight. O I'll pay this evening. 2. (Ob) Neustále si půjčuje peníze. O He is lending money all the time. He is borrowing money all the time. O He borrows money all the time. O He lends money all the time. 3. (Ob) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now. He thinks. O Don't talk to him now. He is thinking. O Don't speak with him now. He thinks. Don't tell him. He is thinking. 4. (Ob) Kde obvykle nakupuješ? O Where do you usually make shopping? O Where do you usually do shopping? <8 Where are you often shopping? O Where can you sometimes shopping? 5. (lb) Proč to otevíráš? Není to pro tebe. O So why you open it? It isn't for you. ® So why are you opening it? It isn't for you. O So why do you open it? It isn't for you. O So why must you open it? It isn't for you. 6. (Ob) Komu to říkáš? (8 Who are you telling it? O Who does tell you? O Who do you tell? O Who tells you? 7. (lb) Máš rád pizzu? O Would you like pizza? O Are you enjoying pizza? ® Do you like pizza? O Will you have pizza? 8. (Ob) Obvykle ráno snídám. O I usually have breakfast in the morning. O I often have breakfast in the morning. O I sometimes breakfast in the morning. (8 I am usually having breakfast in the morning. 9. (lb) Neustále chodí pozdě. O He always comes late. O He often comes late. ® He is always coming late. O He is usually coming late. 110 10. (Ob) Koho tam vidíš? Who are you seeing there? O Who do you see there? O Who see you there? O Who can't you see there? 11. (lb) Zítra vám vše vysvětlíme. O Tomorrow we explain all. ® We are explaining all to you tomorrow. O We explained all tomorrow. O Yesterday all will be explained. 12. (lb) Dnes si zahraji tenis. O I am going to play tennis today. O I play tennis today. O I will play tennis today. ® I am playing tennis today. 13. (lb) Nemluv na něj, přemýšlí. O Don't talk to him now, he thinks. O Don't talk to him now, he'll be thinking. O Don't you talk to him now, he thinks. ® Don't talk to him now, he is thinking. 14. (Ob) Otvírací doba se mění každý měsíc. (8 Opening hours are changing every month. O The opening hours adapts every month. O The opening hours change every month. O Opening hours changes every month. 15. (Ob) Každé ráno se sprchuji. O I am having a shower every morning. O I have shower every morning. O I have a shower every morning. (8 I having a shower every morning. 16. (lb) Proč pláčeš? ® Why are you crying? O Why do you cry? O Why have you to cry? O Why don't you cry? 17. (Ob) Kdo ti volá? (8 Who are calling you? O Who does call you? O Why do you call? O Who calls you? 18. (lb) Proč to teď děláš? ® Why are you doing it? O Why do you do it? O Why have you to do it? O Why don't you do it? 19. (lb) Co má Jane dnes na sobě? O What does Jane wear today? ® What is Jane wearing today? O What is Jane going to wear today? O What will Jane wear today? 20. (Ob) Jane neslaví narozeniny. O Jane isn't celebrating her birthdays. <8 Jane isn't celebrating birthdays. O Jane doesn't celebrate his birthday. O Jane doesn't celebrate her birthdays. 21. (lb) Co to vans? O What cook you? ® What are you cooking? O What do you cook? O Why are you cooking? 22. (Ob) Posloucháš někdy váznou hudbu? O Do you often listen to classical music? <8 Are you sometimes listening to classical music? O Do you usually listen to classical music? O Do you sometimes listen to classical music? 23. (lb) Neustále chodíš pozdě! ® You are always coming late! O You always comes late! O You do always come late! O You are coming late! 24. (lb) Co vans? Krásně to voní. O What do you cook? It smells delicious. O What do you cook? It is smelling delicious. O What are you going to cook? It smells delicious.. ® What are you cooking? It smells delicious. 25. (Ob) Tak váš otec je učitel, a co dělá vaše matka? (8 So your father is a teacher and what is your mother doing? O So your father does a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother do? O So your father is a teacher and what does your mother be? 26. (Ob) Jack mi často půjčuje knihy. (8 Jack is often lending me books. O Jack often lends me books. O Jack usually lends me books. O Jack does often lend me books. 27. (Ob) Tenhle sýr strašně zapáchá. O This cheese smells horrible. (8 This cheese is smelling horrible. O This chess smells horrible. O This cheese smells even worse. 112