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7.2.2 Going shopping and a healthy lifestyle

What is your shopping style? Do you make a shopping list before going out or do you choose the goods when you see them in the shop?
What you buy of course depends on how you cook and eat. What and how you eat is called a diet. Some people have a special dietary regime, for instance if they are ill with diabetes they cannot eat whatever they want, but have to cut down on sugary food. Others limit their diet voluntarily, for example vegetarians do not eat any meat or meat products. A more extreme version are vegans who do not eat anything that comes from animals, not even eggs or milk. There are usually ideologic reasons for this, such as care for nature and the conditions in which farm animals live and are killed.
Some people suffer from congenital disorders like gluten or lactose intolerance. For them going shopping is complicated because gluten or milk is in so many products that they have to choose carefully. Gluten is in wheat products such as bread and pastry, milk is in dairy products such as yogurts, cheese, creams etc. These disorders are basically allergies, but there are many more types of allergies. Typical allergens are red fruits such as strawberries and tomatoes, soya and nuts – mostly peanuts. If you know you are allergic to some foods you need to be very careful about the ingredients of a product.
Your health depends on what you eat but also on what your general lifestyle is. The basic rule of a healthy body is a balanced diet that ensure a balanced caloric intake. You can see in the picture that the bottom line shows eight glasses of water. Liquids are extremely important for the human body as it is 70% water. Enough volume is important for all organs, but mainly for the kidneys. The biggest part of a day's intake should be rice and pasta, and cereals. They contain carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. The next stage is represented by fruits and vegetables, both containing vitamins and other essential substances such as selen and iron. A lesser part is dedicated to dairy products like milk and cheese that contain calcium which is necessary for strong bones, and meat and nuts which again bring proteins and minerals. Only the smallest part of your diet should be fatty and sweet foods as they make you gain weight.
Generally speaking, your caloric intake should be in balance with your energy output. If you want to lose some weight, you should think about what you eat and in what amounts. A sedentary job is not very helpful either. Remember that it is good for your health to do some kind of an intensive movement three times a week, be it a long walk, a run with your dog, exercising in a fitness centre or cycling. This is not only vital to lose some weight but also to make your heart stronger and protected against a heart attack.